When we take walks, Diella rotates being 3 different girls, named Alice, Alainia, and Avalee. Something she came up with completely on her own. She will sit on the side of the sidewalk a bit in front of us, and then when we walk past her, she will introduce herself as one of those three. Whoever she is playing that day, has swapped places with Diella. Diella is at HER house. Oh, and the other two girls are her two sisters. Oh and now there is Louie as well. She's also always a different age, from a baby, to in 30's, to in 90's. Jake had a minor concern if this was weird or ok, and I assured him that its just her playing with her imagination!
Diella asked me a few days ago, do you fall in love first or get married first? I love this question, but I didnt expect to hear it for another ten years, ha!
She also asked a question recently, that thrilled me to answer! Well, I guess it wasnt a question, but she made a statement that opened a door that I was happy to walk through! I dont remember specifics about how it started, but she was told that she couldnt have something, and she said, "but mommy, that's not what makes me happy." .... I was so excited that SHE presented me with the opportunity to explain how not everything is about what makes us happy, but what is best for us, etc. I intend to continue teaching this lesson, hehe.
Once, in the car she asked, "How do we get to heaven?" I of course explained that she's already accepted Jesus into her heart, and said the she needs to live her best according to how Jesus wants us to live, and that when you die, you go to heaven. She replied, "Yea, but how to we GET there? In a rocket?" LOL, I love it!!!
KAT!! I randomly ran across your blog--CRAZY, huh??
Gots ta be God.
Miss you and all those crazy BMC days.
Love, Candice
KAT! WOW....I RANDOMLY ran across your blog.
CRAZY, huh??
Gots ta be God.
Miss you and all our crazy BMC days.
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