Thursday, December 18, 2008

18 months!

there are so many new things, as usual... but I've really only gotta few mins to blog here... I'll start by mentioning the most amazing thing....
In my last blog, I noted how she was repeating all the letters after me... well since she enjoyed reviewing them so much, we did it all the time, and it was only about 2 weeks or so that she had memorized them, by Sight! Like ALL of them! (ok, she still has trouble with L, Q, & V... but 21 outta 24 aint bad!) and wherever we go, where there's big signs n stuff, she'll point & shout out the letter & she gets so excited!!! For a while, we always went through them in order, but now she's even recognizing every letter, no matter where it is or when she sees it! All capitals of course, lower case comes later, hehe.... but you can just tell she loves pointing them out so much, I think it makes her feel like such a big girl! And we're so proud of her!
Let's see... what else? ... Oooooh, we think she's officially growing out of her second nap... and we're struggling pretty bad with this change of sleep schedule thing... we've tried a bunch of different things to get her back to a consisten pattern, but nothing has seemed to work yet... so she's even had trouble sleeping the past few nights, gotten up & cried for me... sigh* ... so its tough on all of us, cuz she was always such a good sleeper, and now its getting rough, trying to make this transition... so we're praying in works out SOON!
well, I'm sure I'll have more Christmas pictures with both sides of family soon as it comes! :)

Monday, December 1, 2008


It was a great one! We got to see all of daddy's side of the family! We had fun eating, playing outside, and watching movies! This girl ate turkey by the truck load!

A few things that Diella is doing now... we were in the car the other day, listening to music, I was nodding my head to the beat, she copied, now we do it all the time! :)

If you hold her & then go to let her down, hands first, with her hands on the floor, if you hold her feet, she'll do a wheel barrow walk, like walk on her hands, I couldnt believe it at first, but she does it quite easily!
Ahna taught her how to catch a ball! From about 3 feet away, she showed her to first put her hands together, then lightly tosses it to her and she (usually) opens them at the right time and catches it! Quite a few times she got it! We were impressed cuz it seems like most kids watch the thrower, instead of the ball, but she concentrated so hard on the ball, it worked!

And lastly, not even really intentionally one day, I was putting away her Alphabooks, and as I showed each one to her, I was telling her what each letter was... so after I said each one, she tried to copy them! So now we do it a few times a day... I go through each letter of the alphabet & she'll copy them! We had trouble with F, L, and Q... but she's already getting better at each letter! Even the tough ones like K & W... getting better & better!