I found this picture. It’s older, but I’ve never posted it.
Diella is so random! I don’t remember why, but one day she said to me, “I thought you were Megan.” I said, “don’t I look like mommy?” she goes, “no, you’re Ki lan.” (who is a character on a cartoon she likes), so I just giggled, then she goes, “no you’re Ethan, you’re Dora, you’re Boots.” Hehehe, sigh*
All of these are funny things she has said within the past 3 days, mostly conversations we’ve had in the car. She said, “do you member when we played hide and seek with the moon? It disappeared. You ready?” at first, I thought this was just her imagination makin this up… but I think this was something her daddy was playing with her a while back. But even still, it was a long time ago, and she remembered it!
Then she said, “here mommy, I made you a big big orange peanut butter cookie! Haha, sounds like she’s gonna be about as good of a cook as her mama, uh oh!
Then we were sitting a lot of cars back at a light, and she said, “why we stopped?” I said, cuz we’re at a red light. And she said “when its green, go!” Then the light turned green and she said, “THERE’s green!”
Diella, whenever she talks about a meal, she usually says the wrong one. Like she’ll say dinner when she means lunch, and lunch when she means breakfast, etc. So the other day I told her we were gonna go eat. She said “breakfast, lunch, or dinner?” She’s trying to learn which is which! Cool.
JUST NOW she told me she hadta go potty. I said, “go ahead” (and I was gonna be right behind her, following her in), and she said, “you stay here, I’m gonna go all by myself.” So I raised my eyebrows in surprise, and said, “ok,” intending on giving her a minute to she how she’d do, and assuming that she would call me for help right away. So I gave her a minute, and then went in to check on her, and she was pullin up her pants. I asked if she went, she said yes. Ha! I don’t think she wiped, so I helped with that, but I still think its funny (and really out of nowhere) that she wanted to attempt this on her own!
Ok, back to the conversations we’ve had in the car. She asked “why is it really wet?” (I said why is what really wet?) She said, “The other side of the car.” She was pointing to the window, but I thought it was neat that she realized that the ‘wet’ was on the outside of the car.
The other day I grabbed a glass to pour my milk and Diella said, “mommy, that’s glass, we don’t wanna break it.” Lol, what Which one of us is the mom???
Lately, she LOVES pickles. So she was eating one, and seemed to be enjoying it. So I said, “how’s your pickle?” She goes, “Nice and goupy.” I laughed, and she goes, “I say goupy all the time.” LOL!!!
There was a red flower plant of my mom’s in the middle of the table, and Diella asked me if I could give it to her so she could smell it, and she said, “I love those flowers. It smells red.” Heheheh, love it.
She has been saying this a lot lately, and I have no clue where she got it from, but usually when Ethan’s taking a nap (but some other times too), she says, “When Ethan wakes up, we can have another big jammie party!” lol…. O….. K!
We were sitting at the table, eating, and I think I was tickling Ethan’s feet. Diella says “tickle mine” So I reached over and did it, but just used my thumb. Diella said, “tickle with your whole hand.” Sigh* geez, she really likes things the way she likes em, huh?
Also, while sitting at the table, talking, Diella was looking at the pictures on the refrigerator, and without me even mentioning a thing about it, Diella says, “I wanna go on airplane to see Aria.” I just smiled, cuz I hate telling her how impossible that is.
Just Now, I had Ethan sitting on my lap. I asked Diella if she’d like to sit on my lap too. She said, “no thank you, I’m sitting on the rocket. Oh yes! I’d love to sit on your lap! I’d love to, love to, love to!” hehehe
We were driving home the other day and Diella said “where is home?” … I wasn’t really sure how to describe it in a way that she would understand, so I just told her how it was. I said, “on East Lake Rd.” She goes, “you’re gonna follow the lake?” LOL! I was like “pretty much, yea!”
Aw man, hilarious… the four of us sat down for dinner the other night and I told Diella we were gonna pray first. She goes, “lemmie do it.” So she bows her head, and begins, “Once upon a time… “ then she stops, looks up, smiles, and says, “That’s not it!” The three of us cracked up so hard!
A few days ago, Diella said she had a headache. I was sure if she really did or not, cuz she hears mommy and daddy say that pretty often, I thought me might just be saying it cuz we do. I told my gramma that day when we were over there, and gramma said she probly did have one. So then yesterday, she said it again, so I thought I would test it. She said she had a headache, and I said, “oh yea? Where is it?” she said, “In my belly. We don’t have medicine for it.” I said, “nope, not for a belly headache.” Hehehe.
Diella has a Leapster (interactive learning book) that she loves! She plays with it a lot while she’s sittin on the potty, hehe. But I like how lately I’ve noticed that she’s following the directions better, how the thing helps her with each page, she does great!
The rest of these are all from this morning. I brought Ethan downstairs when we woke up, to join us for breakfast, and Diella said, “He’s so excited to see me!” Ha! I never heard her use the word excited before!
I dished out her bowl of cereal & put it in front of her. Usually she says Thank you mommy. But today she said, “thank you mommy, thank you mommy for the big cereal that you made.” She just talks like such a big girl! I love it!
She asked me if I like the Ariel socks that she was wearing. I said yes, and she reminded me that she got them for Christmas. Then I reminded HER that yes they were for Christmas, from Aunt Stephanie. And she said ALL this, “I wanna say thank you to Aunt Stephanie for the Ariel socks, and then we say goodbye everyone, we’re goin back home!” Wow!!!
A lot of times Diella will change a word in a song to be funny. Often times its to Old MacDonald… but usually she jus looks around the room & inserts the word ‘table’ or ‘bowl’ or whatever, like “old macdonald had a bowl…” Today she sang, “Old MacDonald had a frumpy.” LOL! I know she just made up the word frumpy, cuz there’s no way she’s ever heard that word before, but it sounded hilarious when she said it!
Just a minute ago, she was watching the Fresh Beat Band dance on tv, and she put out her arms and said, “I’m flying! I’m dancing like a bird!”
Then during lunch, she had a mouth full of peanut butter, and she said, “look at my mouth, inside my mouth.” And she smiled & giggled, cuz she said it with peanut butter all over her lips, hehehehe. She’s so fun!
WOW! I've always been blown away by how intelligent and advanced she is at her age...but reading all of this REALLY wowed me!!! AND I totally almost peed myself when I read the "Once upon a time" one! Hahahaha so funny!
I was looking at baby names and found the name Diella. When I googled it, I came across your page. My question is, how do you pronounce Diella? Thanks!
Hi Megan too funny! At least she doesn’t call you VIENNA! I just want you to know I’ve opened a word doc to comment haha!
Orange peanut butter cookie! YUM! Make me some!
OMGosh Aria does the same thing at stop lights. Are they related? Haha
Ok Aria calls every meal breakfast… weird. Erie…
Awww! Diella we want you to come see us!
LOL at the prayer! Love that!
She’s so funny! I love 2 year olds!!!
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