Well, once again its been way too long since I’ve blogged, so once again some of this stuff is a lil ‘old news’ but it still counts!
The pictures include… all the outfits she’s put together herself… our lil Rocky Balboa, who fell & bonked her eye on the table… a night with two friends over… and a few from when we were moving in!
We recently bought a few new kids movies, one of them being “Shark Tale.” The SECOND time Diella watched it… BEFORE it started… when it was still on the ‘Dream Works” screen, playin the music… Diella goes, “there’s gonna be a worm.” … She remembered what the opening sceen was! After only ONE time seein it before! And knew that before anything else came on!! Woah.
She has a new obsession with shoes. (thanks Ahna). One day she said, “I’m gonna wear my brown sparkly shoes every day.” Hehe (and no, she doesn’t, she rotates her few favorite pair).
One day she was headed up to the upstairs living room, where my dad really doesn’t want her to be unless she’s with an adult. So I called up to her, “ya might not wanna go up on the desk chair, papa might get mad.” … she replies, “I got some work to do.” LOL
Once I put a bowl of (something, I don’t remember what) in front of Diella. She goes “but its hot,” I said “no its not hot,” … she tasted it & said, “I told you its not hot.” … that’s like something a sarcastic 10 year old would say! Ahh!
We all know Diella’s speech is beyond her age… but I was floored a while ago (over a month ago, I’m sure), she said- kinda outta nowhere, if I recall correctly- “dressing up is for celebration.” Wow.
Jake & I have given a name to her panties being on backwards (this happens a lot when she dresses herself). We call it “cheek sneak” … well, cuz think about it, when they’re backwards, the small part isn’t enough to cover the cheeks, so one usually sticks out, and its Hilarious!... so now we say, “Diella, whats it called when your panties are on backwards?” and she replies ‘cheek sneak’ …. THAT’S funny! .. (ok, so I jus looked up the phrase cheek sneak, and I guess its when you lift a cheek to let out a fart… so ok whatever, lol)
One day we drove under the underpass, and Diella asks, “was that a cave?“ hehe
Once she was in Ahna’s bathroom & she grabbed a folded washcloth from the cupboard. They all fell out, so I asked her to pick them up. She started folding them!!!... CORRECTLY! She’d fold them in half once, then in half again! Not perfectly of course, but pretty darn well! Then a few days in a row after that, she’d go knock them over on purpose so she could fold em, hehe… probly cuz of how proud & impressed I was with her when I saw her do it!
Just to briefly mention a few funny things she has said, without mentioning the circumstance, but its still cute that she said… “I’m so proud of you, Ethan!” “That would be wonderful!” ... and my favorite… “I like your panties, daddy!” LOLOLOL!!!
A while back Diella said “ok, here’s the deal…” … sigh* … funny… but… sigh*
A while back she also started saying “sorry bout that” … ok, so again, its been like 3 months since I’ve blogged… so NOW when she says these things, its normal… but 3 months ago when she said em for the first time, they were hilarious… hence why I wrote them on my list of things to blog… yea.
She also often calls Ethan, Buddy. Like she’ll say “c’mon buddy buddy” !!!
Diella, as I’ve said before, is Still SO complimentary! Like “mama, you’re so beautiful.”… these are the things that can just keep my love tank filled up for Months!
Ok, I am NOT very “soft” when it comes to my children… I don’t give in easily… well when Chris & Emily were in town, it was their last day with us and they had a lunch date with some friends… Diella asked Emily if she could go, and Emily was trying to gently & politely tell her that this was just for grown ups today… and Diella started to whine a bit… and Emily, trying to, ya know, soften the blow… and she said, “oh, honey, I don’t think there’s anything there to eat for kids… there’s probly nothing you would like.” And Diella says with desperation & a slight whine in her voice, “I’ll eat chicken! I like chicken!” …. My heart jus crumbled! I was THIS close to bursting out, “Oh Just Let Her Go With You!” lol… of course I didn’t tho… we were able to get Diella ok with the idea that she wasn’t going along on the luncheon… but it was just the sweetest lil plea I’ve ever heard!
Diella loves Dora… and throughout each episode, Dora asks certain questions, where Diella then becomes very interactive… and the Q was “what do YOU wanna be when YOU grow up?” …. Now I don’t know if Diella heard this somewhere before, or if it was on the episode, or if she jus came up with it herself, but she said “I wanna be a princess.” How adorable!
Sometimes I like to test Diella’s knowledge, cuz so often she astounds me with the things she catches onto… and one of her shows is The Fresh Beat Band… well there are 4 main characters, and they each wear the same outfit every episode, ya know, and they’re each a dif color… well I asked her which 4 colors were the Fresh Beat Band… and she slowly got them! She said… “yellow, blue, pink, and orange!”
One day we were driving, and I dunno if she just said this out of nowhere, or if she really spoted the stop sign that was on the fence that we drove by… but she says “These are octagons!” !!! cool! She DOES know the shape… I jus wasn’t sure, this day, if she said that just because, or if she really saw an octagon.
There are a few scenes from certain kids movies that Diella asks us to skip past cuz she doesn’t like them… one is the part on Mulan where the match-maker gets the coffee spilled on her face… Diella HATES that part! … and jus found a new on yesterday… its from Shrek. The part where Fionna sings so high that the bird explodes… yea, doesn’t like that either, lol.
Ok, Diella LOVES to sing.. she sings All the time! And sometimes we sing together… and once in a while, she’s off a little, but I cant lie… it ALMOST sounds like harmony, hehe! … but for Sure, alotta times we’ll sing Twinkle Twinkle in unison, and for the last line, I’ll go to harmony… and Diella stays on melody! No Joke! I can harmonize with my daughter!!!
She got this little toy like that you get from Chuck E Cheese, with those lil tickets, ya know? It was jus this lil rubber thing with finger-like things, lol, dunno how to describe it… but Diella made up a name for it… she calls it the “oobly thing” … which, if you saw it, I think you’d agree… is EXACTLY what it looks like it should be named!
One night we were driving home, and I told Diella that she could close her eyes & fall asleep if she wanted. She said “I wanna keep my eyes open so I can see trees & lights.” (no it wasn’t Christmas time) … I just thought that was cute.
One night diella asked for a sip of water before bed, as usual, and for whatever reason I asked her why she needed it, and she said “I HAVE TO drink water before I go to bed.” And I asked, “who says so?” … and of course she replied “me did.” Ugh.
She always says, “I hafta tell you a question.” Hehehehe
Oh and she’s in the “why” stage. She’ll ask why, then I’ll answer, then she’ll ask why, then I’ll answer. Its kinda fun to just keep coming up with answers until they say, ‘oh.’ lol
Diella has been picking out her own outfits lately (just for bumming around the house… NOT for when we go out in public, hehe)… but she has got some Interesting taste, shall we say? Lol it cracks me up! They don’t even match, even close! And I cant lie… I LOVE IT! … like once she put on her tights all by herself (not sure how! Those are hard to get on!)… and I suggested she put a skirt over em, but she didn’t want to, hehe, she jus wore em like pants, haha! … and sometimes when she comes in my room to wake me up in the morning, she’s already gotten out of her jammies & into some random outfit, hilarious!
There have been 2 instances where Diella has used a word that we have no clue where she picked it up from, or how on earth she knew this word! One was one time she handed me something that was bent (I don’t member what it was), but she goes “can you fix it? Its kinked.” … I was like What??? She repeated, “its kinked” LOL! I’m pretty sure she maybe jus made the word up (like she does sometimes), and got lucky… but who knows! … the other time was with Jake. He told me she didn’t want Ethan going downstairs and she said to Jake, “we have to make a blockade.” I asked him if he ever used that word with her before, he said no…. so there’s another one! Maybe she just like used the word “block” in context? Lol, it cracks me up how this happens!
It made me laugh the first few times I asked Diella to do something, and her answer was, “I cant right now.”
When we moved into our new house, we prepped Diella many times over that this would be our new home, and that Ahna & Papa wouldn’t live with us anymore, etc. And one day when we pulled in, I said, “this is our home now, ok?” and she said, “Sure is!”
We were near the Dollar Tree the other day, and if you can picture their logo, this will make sense to you. Diella saw it and said, “there’s one trees.” Hehehe
One night we were driving home and it was a bit past her bedtime. She asked me if she could sit on the couch for a few minutes. I said, “no honey, its late, we’re gonna go straight to bed.” And Diella goes, “I’s just kidding.” Lol
Diella has gotten onto this kick of when I ask her to do something, she’ll go, “but, but, but” … I asked her where she got that from… she said ‘grammie’ lol, who knows?
Often times lately, when we get home & park the car. I open her door to get her out, and she’ll quickly go limp & close her eyes, pretending she’s asleep. I think its cute.
Diella is polite in the fact that if she spills something, or something is done by accident, then she’s quick to say sorry. Well one day I asked her to pick up the thing she had just made a mess of, and she goes “I’m sorry that I’m not gonna pick em up.” Lol, I was like, uh, doesn’t work like that, ha!
I think I’ve said before how at the end of every episode of Dora, they ask “what was your favorite part?” well Diella answered one day, then looked over at me & Ethan who was on my lap, with the binky sitting next to him, and she goes, “Ethan’s favorite part was goin to the binky store.” I cracked up SO hard!!! She goes, “why are you laughing?” I just told her how cute she is!
Oh this is like my favorite story! Diella loves to take baths, ok? Well one night at dinner, Ethan had run food through his hair, and I said, “oh, Ethan, no no, now I’ll hafta give you a bath.” And Diella said, “oh me too! My hair is foody!” HAHAHA!!
One day I think I had jus put on chapstick, and I was leaving the house, so I went to say goodbye to Diella & give her a kiss, and she looks at me up close, and says very enthusiastically, “CUTE chapstick!” lol
Once I told Diella how pretty she is. I don’t think she was feeling very well that day. She said, “I’m not pretty right now, I have a fever.” It was cute, but kinda broke my heart to hear that.
This one time (at band camp… no just kidding) I was trying to put in a movie, and my first two attempts, Diella didn’t approve, so then I asked her what she’d like to watch. And I’ll do my best to paint this picture for you, she paused, holding her banana, she took a bit out of it, and with the big piece in her cheek, she said very matter-of-factly, “Wiggles.” It made me laugh, the way she did that!
I’m not sure what commercial was on this day, but Diella said, “that was TBS.”
We were on our way one day to have lunch with Ahna at her work, and Diella asked where we were going. I told her to see Ahna. She said, ‘but I wanna have lunch.’ I said, well, we’re gonna eat too.” She goes, “we’re gonna see Ahna AND eat at the same time??!!” lol, yup!
A few of her new favorite phrases are, “whats that smell?” lol… and “I gotta idea.” Hehe
My mom was floored one day when I asked Diella to count backwards, starting with 5… then she did it, and my mom’s jar dropped… I don’t think she thought Diella would do it, hehe. I think she got it from Dora, or Umi Zoomi, or Little Einsteins, lol.
One moment that will get me through any day… is when I told Diella that I love her, and she said, “you know who else loves me? …. Jesus.” … oh I just melted! I must be doing SOMETHING right as a mommy for her to say that!
One day she was showing me two different things, and often times lately, she quizzes me (probly cuz we quiz her, ya know)… but she said “which one is the reddest?” and I said, “the top one.” And she goes, “and which one is the bottomist?” lol, aw! I said, the blue one. I think she meant to ask about the other color, but then when I described it as the top one, then she used that adjective instead, hehe, I dunno.
This one day I had to pump up the tire on our van, after a flat. And Diella asked me what I was doing. I said “filling up the tire.” And she asked, “filling it up with gas?” I thought that was insightful! That she put ‘filling it up’ and the car, together, and concluded I was filling it with gas. Then of course I told her ‘with air.’ So cute!
One day we were driving and Diella said, “when I get bigger, I go to school.” And I look over, and we were driving by a school! How did she know that was a school?” its not like all schools look the same, or that I had ever told her that was one. Weird.
Another time while driving, Diella was saying, “I spy a _____ ,” to lots of different things, then she would ask me, “what do YOU spy?” so then I’d play along. I didn’t know she knew that game! But then I asked Jake, and he had taught her. How Cute!
Ethan is very into putting things into other things, and unfortunately, one of his main goals is the garbage can! Well one day Diella comes up to me and says, “Mom, Ethan put my cup in the garbage!” then she turned to him and said, “Ethan Thaller!” LOL! That was hilarious!!!
Girl, you've GOT to blog more often! They end up SO LONG when you finally do! Lol. So cute! She's so wise :)
I miss her so much! She is so smart. A lot of those things remind me of Colton too. She's smarter, but he's gettin' there! I'm glad you blog, you're gonna look back in a few years and cry w/ happiness! xo
Kat!!! I Laughed so hard reading that!! I hope when I have a baby she/he is as smart, funny, beautiful and witty as she is! YOu are a beautiful and wonderful mother and I know that it comes from your relationship with the Lord and being raised by such a wonderful dedicated and loving family! YOU ARE SOOO BLESSED! And your baby girl is so freaking ADORABLE!!!!! and the manners she got.. WOW! GREAT JOB! MIght take some tips when were ready!!!! Cant wait to hear about Ethan when he starts doing things like that! Love you girl! Thanks for Sharing!!!
Love this! I was laughing out loud about the chicken story! I forgot I totally broke her heart!! ;) Last night on the phone I said "I miss you!". She goes "I miss you. Where are you?!" I told her Texas and she said "WHY?!" it was sooo funny! Miss yall/love yall!!
CUTE stuff! So much to comment on that I don't even know where to start! I LOVE her outfits she puts on herself! too funny!
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