Good news and bad news, the good news is even though I haven’t blogged in about 4 months, at least I kept a list of lots of things the kids have been doing so that WHEN I COULD blog again, I would remember a lot of the stuff. The bad news is, now my list is 10 miles long, and this one is gonna be a doozy! Plus, there willk be some older stuff (that I probly wont remember much detail to), and 3 months for kids this age is A LOT of time to grow & develop! I mean, you’re talking that’s a third of Ethan’s life & a tenth of Diella’s, holy! So starting with a while back… (some of these stores I may not even remember very well, but will just make a quick note on it
She had been saying words that I never heard her say before, and using them correctly in sentences…. Like “both” and “slowly”. “Probly” and “I thiiiiink”. She would put her index finger over her lips and say “Hmmmm”, or “lets see”, or “what else?” hehe Love that!” Once she said, “this is Ethan, he has blue eyes, just like me!” Aww! Once she called me her daughter, that was funny. A few months ago, when she was really forming longer sentences (now she’s much more conversational), she would often use words like everything & everyone. She would do a lot of “I forgot” and “you forgot.” She would often say Guess What, which I loved! And also “How bout that?” like she would offer something, or suggest something and then say How bout that? So Cute! She often said “I thought I was, or I think I am” in reference to things, that sometimes were applicable and sometimes not. That just makes me laugh cuz she’s using these ‘grown up’ phrases, whether she knows the meaning of them or not, hehe. She was on a Charolette’s Web kick, and would often go over whose names were whose, Henry Fussy, Fern, Templeton, Charolette, and Wilbur, and then one day she saw a spider web & said, “look, Charolette’s web!” …. And my favorite thing she has said… we were at an aquarium in Virginia Beach, and we were watching the otters, and she said “mommy look, they have tails” and I nodded & acknowledged, and she continued, “and we have butts.” HAHAHAH!! Nothin gets by her!
She had been saying words that I never heard her say before, and using them correctly in sentences…. Like “both” and “slowly”. “Probly” and “I thiiiiink”. She would put her index finger over her lips and say “Hmmmm”, or “lets see”, or “what else?” hehe Love that!” Once she said, “this is Ethan, he has blue eyes, just like me!” Aww! Once she called me her daughter, that was funny. A few months ago, when she was really forming longer sentences (now she’s much more conversational), she would often use words like everything & everyone. She would do a lot of “I forgot” and “you forgot.” She would often say Guess What, which I loved! And also “How bout that?” like she would offer something, or suggest something and then say How bout that? So Cute! She often said “I thought I was, or I think I am” in reference to things, that sometimes were applicable and sometimes not. That just makes me laugh cuz she’s using these ‘grown up’ phrases, whether she knows the meaning of them or not, hehe. She was on a Charolette’s Web kick, and would often go over whose names were whose, Henry Fussy, Fern, Templeton, Charolette, and Wilbur, and then one day she saw a spider web & said, “look, Charolette’s web!” …. And my favorite thing she has said… we were at an aquarium in Virginia Beach, and we were watching the otters, and she said “mommy look, they have tails” and I nodded & acknowledged, and she continued, “and we have butts.” HAHAHAH!! Nothin gets by her!
A few other funny things she has said… before she was annunciating more clearly, she would say clap clap clap, but it really sounded more like “crap crap crap” lol! She has learned the words why and because, and for a while was asking Why for a lot of things. NOW she’s starting to understand reasoning, and making sense of things. It’s So fun to watch! She, for a while, was saying “Ope” like instead of oops. I think that’s probly how we generally say it without thinking, and so she catches onto that stuff. She often asks (usually when she’s wearin something special), “you think I am pretty?” aww. When she was talking about more than one bath, she would say bathis, hehe. Once we were laughing about something, and Diella said “that’s hilarious!” … Oh my gosh, I laughed SO hard!!! How great is that!!??
I love how she’s is grasping concepts, and applying them, with things like under and behind, things like that. When she describes things she really has strong feelings towards, she’ll use words like “really Really REALLY”. She used to say her name was Ella (not Di-ella), and one day I asked her and she said, “my name no Ella, its Jake!” Ha! One day she crossed her arms in front of her and tilted her head, and said “how’s it goin?” (oh I am giggling as I write these, just picturing my little girl grow up and say these hilarious things, it just makes my world go round, really!!!)… She used to pronounce Swing, like Sfing, but we worked on it for a while, and now she finally says it right! (but we also worked on Banana, and she still says it Balana, heheh). She now says “no you may not” haha, which is funny, I don’t say that often at all, so I’m not exactly sure where she picked it up. She’s also getting much better with manners! She’s finally started to say You’re welcome, and she also says please & thank you much more often! I’ve had people comment on her politeness, this makes me So Happy!!!
Ok, now a few certain instances where she says funny things in certain scenarios. I’m actually gonna start with one’a my favorites! Once in the morning, of course I’m still only half awake, and I’m sittin with her and she says, “momma, you not happy yet?” I said “yes I am,” and she goes “then lets see you smile!” lol, so I DID smile, and then she goes, “Oh, good girl mommy!!!” Ahhh, I love it!!!!
A while back she put in a pair of the fake teeth that I have, and she goes “Raaarrr! Are you scared?” lol, oh geez, she’s tryin to frighten me!? Why? …. She has this lil baby doll, and one day she squeezed the face and said “doll face is squishy,” haha, I think its funny that she used the word squishy, hehehe. Oh and I love, lately, when she’s exited or if something good happens, she says “woo hoo!” Ah, I love that! That one she must have gotten from me, but I’m pretty sure I say Woo Hoo!
One time, I don’t remember what I was trying to open, but I think something out of a package, and I was struggling with it. Keep in mind, I’ve always called scissors & knives “no-no’s”. And so as I’m trying to open this thing, Diella says “probly need a no-no to open it.” HAHA!
For a while there, every once in a while she’d say “Ready to go to the fair.” No clue why, or where she got it, but every so often she was ready to go to the fair, haha!
One day I was putting her in bed, and I noticed some bruises on her legs, and I jus told her how she’s like her mommy when she was a kid, with all those bruises on her. She said, “I think pants will help, will hide em.” Hehe, so put some pants on her and she goes “now they’re all gone.” Funny girl!
Once in the car, she was looking in the rear-view mirror, and ya know how it’s adjustable, like when you tip it up & down to dim the lights behind you) and you can kinda see a glimpse of the second reflection in there… ok, I dunno how to word that… I’ll explain what she said and you’ll be able to understand… she said, “Mommy, you have a nose on your head” (like the reflection of my face was centered on my actual reflection, to where my nose was on my forehead), so I laughed and she said “you have antlers on your head, see?” Hahah! Antlers!!! HAHAHAHA!
One day we were out grocery shoppin, and it was raining. I go to load the kids in the cart and Diella says “this is fricken wet!” … I FROZE and gently & calmly said “what did you say?” …. She repeats, (in a normal, surprised, not angry voice) “this is fricken wet” …. Ok, yes, she got that from me, I say the word Fricken a lot…. But I jus casually went about my business, acted like she said nothing wrong, and didn’t acknowledge it… if I would have told her not to, I KNOW she would have done it again… instead, I acted like it was no big deal. This was a while ago, and so far, I haven’t heard her say the word since… so I think we’re in the clear.
So Diella is starting to grasp timelines, at least a little. She often uses the words Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday. But “yesterday”, to her, just means anything in the past. So like, mommy had a baby in her belly yesterday…. Hmm… well not YESTERDAY, but before, yes. Hehe. And then the other day she said we did something Today. (and it was really a few days ago), and I said, “today???” and she tilted her said, and said very matter-of-factly, “tonight.” Ha!
From day one, Diella has been so much like her daddy, looks-wise mostly, but we’ve discovered something else they share in common. She talked in her sleep the other night, hahah! She said, “I can eat it” LOL!
On Halloween, we were at Kayla’s house. Diella was entertaining the room, as usual, and she had laid out a blanket & was playing pretend with a picnic, we were all eating imaginary food, etc. and so we bow our heads to pray for the meal. Diella’s prayer, if I remember correctly, was something like this, “Jesus thank you for mommy & daddy, amen” … so we all lift our heads & open our eyes, and I look over at Kayla, and she just had the look on her face as thought she was truly touched. That made my night!
Once, I believe even for no reason at all, Diella was singing to Ethan (she’s become quite the little singer!), the words, “Blue eyes, blue eyes” !!! A moment to treasure! Speaking of songs, Diella sings SO many these days! Including Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Rockabye Baby, Old MacDonald, and a few others. The newest one is Little Monkeys Jumpin On the Bed, ya know the one that you sing while you jump on the bed and count down from like 5-0, my mom thinks its amazing that she jumps and sings to the same rhythm, especially the last line “No More Jumping On The Bed!” Its SO cute! It used to be that I would sing part of a song, then pause and let her fill in the blanks, but she’s starting to sing them all by herself, in full!
While on the topic of singing, we sometimes watch Mulan, its become a favorite of ours. And once in a while, usually at random, Diella will ask me to sing ‘the Mulan song’ (“Reflection”), and so I sing it for her. Sometimes I ask HER to sing it for ME, and she wont… but lately, I’ll do the pause thing, where she fills in the blanks, and she’s starting to do that with this song. She also asks me to sing this song that’s on a commercial. But she doesn’t know the name of it, she jus says, ‘sing that song’ when the commercial comes on, its “I’ll Be There.” I like when she asks me to sing!
The past few months she has been recognizing places that we go. Like when we stop at the blinker light on Barlet Rd. (for those of you who don’t live in Erie, that’s like a lil over a mile from our house… the last turn we take before pulling in), she goes, “we’re almost there!” And when we pull into Wal-Mart she says “Wal-Mart!” and when we pull into Giant Eagle, she says “are we gonna ride the big red car?” (at Giant Eagle, they have carts for children, that are big red cars, she loves em). And when we’re getting of the exit, off of 90, on our way to church, as we sit at the light at the bottom, she says, “church!” AND every time we pull into the bank, for some reason she asks, “are we gonna get out?” … we rarely get out at the bank, usually just do the drive up window, but for some reason she always asks this when we go to the bank?? Weird.
Diella has this game she likes to play, the “freeze game.” I think I tried it with her a long time ago & it didn’t work… but then she brought it back all her own. Its just where she says (out of nowhere), “Freeze!” and you stop what you’re doing, you Freeze, then she’ll wait, then she’ll say, “now go” … and this goes on & on… “now Freeze! … now go.”
We had our vacation to Virginia Beach, where we spend some wonderful days with our pals, Noah & Julie, it was So great! Then we sent daddy back to work, and the three of us continued our vacation the following week and flew to Texas! That was also a blast! I’m not gonna say a lot about those 2 weeks, I’ll just count on the pictures as our memories! But just that Diella had SO much fun with her cousin Aria! They played dress up every day & just were joined at the hip! One thing I DO have to mention about the flight though, was when Diella was sleeping in her seat, she started to wake up, and me and the woman in the seat on the other side of her (who I had chatted with & she was really sweet, and had a few daughters of her own), kinda froze, not knowing what to do, hoping she would fall back to sleep… Diella squirmed a lot, and slithered her way down to the floor, all still with her eyes shut! So, with Ethan asleep on my lap, I look down at her, and she was using this woman’s foot as her pillow! HAHA! I didn’t know what to do! I was looking at her like “uh, is this ok?” and as I reached down to move her, the lady says, “no its fine, let her sleep” … LOL! So she spent the rest of the flight asleep on the floor of the plane! Hilarious!
A few funny gestures Diella has picked up & used herself… she’s started to drop her mouth open with something significant happens, ya know like wow, in awe. She also sometimes slumps her shoulders, like if she’s trouble or bummed about something, her lil shoulders will droop and she slowly walks away. Lol, like a lil actress!
Back to funny things she has SAID… ugh, I hate when she picks up on a negative phrase, like a few times she has said “lee me lone” (leave me alone), ya always hope that they didn’t pick these things up from you, but you know they heard it from SOMEwhere!... one day she said something about an ‘assignment’, that cracked me up! She learned it from the show ‘Special Agent OSO’, he has assignments, and I don’t think she used the word correctly, but it was still hilarious to hear her use that word. In fact, my mom & I both have been noticing how ‘grown up’ her conversation is. The way she forms whole, complete, descriptive sentences, and how she words things so well, and is using tenses very well all the time, and she just speaks so intelligently! For quite a while now, when she suggests something, she’ll add on the end, “how bout that?” Well now that she knows that phrase, once when I said how bout that, she said ‘how bout no’ HA! One time I think she had something stuck in her teeth…. And she Asked for a Toothpick! So funny! Most of the time when she wakes up from nap, or gets out of the bath, we always ask, “what it a good nap/bath?” and she always just said yes. Well now, when she wakes up or get out of the bath, she tells us before we have a chance to ask, she says “that was a good bath!” or “that was a good nap!” hehe
Once she was making reference to these bugs (I’m sure they weren’t real bugs, but I don’t remember if they were on TV or in a book or what), but she said, “these are friends, mommy & daddy & Ethan.” Then moments later, she also added, “and this is Aria, and Chanson, Uncle Matt, and Aunt Mia!” (and you guys, this was BEFORE we saw all of you at Thanksgiving!)
Ok, this one was random! I don’t know why she put all of these together, but it was kind of like a few different phrases wrapped up into one. She said, “you’ve got 9 seconds, sit on the couch, time for bed.” Often times, after we get ready for bed, and she asks to ‘sit on the couch for a lil bit first’, we do let her, but we usually tell her she’s only got a few minutes, then its time for bed. Maybe that’s where she got this?
Diella doesn’t usually eat a very big breakfast, always has a BIG lunch, and usually hardly anything for dinner. For lunch I usually start her off with a few things that I just put on a plate to get her started, then sometimes I’ll ask her what else she wants. Well one day it was about lunch time, and she asked, very specifically, for “perogies, green beans, nuts, and tuna.” I thought that was cool! And yes, she got what she asked for!
She talks a lot about things growing, like herself, or ‘when Ethan gets bigger’, and sometimes even inanimate objects. She has also said to ME “when you get smaller like a baby” … and I’ve been trying to explain which things grow bigger and what doesn’t, and how things don’t usually get smaller… it’s a hard concept! But once she said, “I’m just little, like Ella, gonna get bigger like mama.” Aw!! My mom said she has also heard Diella say, “when I grow up, Up, UP to the sky!” hehehe
Diella has very good at interacting with the television, ya know how a lot of these kids shows are interactive, well she does it a lot, which I think is cool! But this one time, I don’t think it was that kind of show, and I wasn’t paying attention to what was on TV, but I tuned in when I heard her talking to the TV, she said, “you dunno who? I can help you.” Lol, its like the characters on tv usually tell HER how things go, it was like she was gonna teach the TV something for once, hehe!
She is starting to name things. I love this!!! Sadly, Elmo has sorta been “replaced” by a new stuffed animal she got from her cousin Jasmine for Christmas. It’s a pink care bear, she named it “Caba.” (no clue why, or where that’s from…. I think just from Diella’s head, hehe). And one day she was carrying this little stuffed animal, a Tigger, and I asked her what his name was (I thought maybe she knew Tigger’s name?), and she looked at him, and had a puzzled look on her face, and paused, then said, “Smiley walks.” HAHAHA! What??
Ok, JUST now, Diella got up from her nap, and after we talked for a minute, she said, out of nowhere, “when she comes here, she’ll sing a song” … I said who?... she said, “Aria. My best cousin.” !!!! (she reminds us of that every once in a while! That Aria is her best friend & her best cousin, hehehe, aw!)
A while back, Diella was saying pumpkin, like pop can. I dunno why, cuz she first said pumpkin when she was like 16 months er something? She also made up her own version on a word. She was trying to communicate that she wanted whatever the thing was to be the opposite of upsidedown. I don’t think she’d ever heard “right side up”, so she said she wanted it Upside up! Ha, I like! She recently often asks, “what’s it time for?” I think its because, ya know, when we’re about to eat, we say Its Time for Dinner, and when I need her to go down for nap, I say “ok, time for nap.” So whenever we’re preparing to do something, or whenever I take her hand and lead her somewhere, she says “whats it time for?” hehe.
Pah ha! Just now, we were in the bathroom, and daddy’s shorts were on the floor in there. Diella said “those are daddy’s pants.” I said “yep.” She asked me why they were in there, and I just said, “I dunno honey, I guess he just took em off & left em in here.” She said “well I’ll tell him not to leave them in here.” Haha! So I called him to tell him, cuz I thought it was funny, and then Diella wanted to talk to him and she said “daddy, your pants were in the bathroom. You need ta get em when you come home. You left em.” Hahahahahaaaa!! (ALL on her own, I promise! I did NOT put this idea in her head, honest!)
Diella is SUCH a complimenting person! She hands out compliments like its her job! To EVERYone! Random people in the store, everyone in this house, everyone she sees! Its, “I like your shirt!” “I love your pants!” “I like your shoes!” “Your hair looks so pretty!” etc. Its SO Sweet!
One day Diella was layin out these toy horses, and she was ‘counting’ them… and I did NOT teach her this… she said, “uno, dos, Grace, Carto, cinco.” LOL! So she said two of em not perfectly, but she did FIVE numbers in Spanish! I was like Wha??? Awesome! I asked her where she learned that, she said Dora. (I should’ve known!) There’s another thing she says in Spanish, “Ayudame,” which means ‘help me.’ But this whole words-in-another-language thing is a REALLY hard concept for them to grasp at this age. I mean, I know she knows what ayudame means, cuz she usually says that AND help me, back to back, but when I try to explain that ayudame means help me in Spanish, she’s no clue what I’m talking about. So I cant get her to do it on commande cuz she looks at me like “say help me in Spanish? What??” … we’ll get it.
A few short things…. She was counting on her fingers a while ago, I dunno why I found that so cute, and ‘bloggable’ but I did. She has often used her pillow as a blanket, which I think is hilarious & random, I’ll peek in when she’s sleeping & she’s got her pillow on her legs, funny! She can Finally do a somersault! It was as of maybe a month ago! Oh, she calls me Mom now, not mommy. And she is suddenly Rapidly growing! I mean, everyone says how quickly kids grow into & then right out of clothes, but we haven’t seen much of that with her, cuz she’s always been pretty small & just not growin too fast. Well, she went from a shoe size 4 to a 6, like overnight. She was wearin 18 months pants for the longest time! Then just recently finally grew in 24 mos, and is now almost not fitting in those, finally get to wear the 2Ts. Yay! We knew the day she started to grow would come!!!
Oh my gosh, one day she goes “mommy did you toot?” I said yes. She goes, “what kind of toot?” I said “What??” she goes, “brown or pink toot?” LOL, what the???
This girl. We all know she’s smart. One day she asked if we could go outside (it was snowing), so I said, “um, no not today honey.” So she walks over to the big picture window in the living room, puts her hand on it, and goes, “see? It’s too cold outside.” How cool is that? My little weather girl, hehe.
So Diella has become quite the little sneaky sneaker. Every morning she likes to eat blueberries. We always have some in a bag in the freezer, from our backyard, we have enough each season to last all year long, and by the way, the freezer is on the bottom, below the fridge. So once, Diella got up before Jake & I, and when I got up and came out to the living room, there she was, With the ENTIRE bag of blueberries, eating away, blue all over herself! Just helped herself! Ahh! Independence is a good thing, but woah. Another thing she has done a few times, once we’ve put her down for nap or bedtime, and she’s quiet, and we assume she’s fallen asleep, we’ll finally walk back there, and a few times we’ve found her sleeping in OUR bed! Lol, lil sneaky woman! Just took it upon herself to decide she’d rather sleep in our bed than her own, sigh*
Diella is such a little singer! I know I’ve said this before, but she is just learning & memorizing, and Performing more & more songs! Plus she makes songs out of just things she says sometimes (I do this to her sometimes, so I’m sure that’s where she got it), but she’s just always got a little melodic tune in her voice. Oh, and Honestly she matches pitch pretty well! I’ll listen closely when she’s singing along with a new song, and I can hear her trying to sing the same notes as the song! It’s awesome!
A while back, I had gotten some Sponge Bob tattoos out of a machine. Well one day, she took all the plastic covers off of all of them, so we had use em all at once, or they’d go to waste. So we did. There were a bunch of em, so I had on two, she had on I think 3, one on each foot, and I asked her where she wanted the other one, she chose her belly. Then I later noticed that they glowed in the dark! So I went to show her this, and for some reason she didn’t like that they glowed in the dark? I thought she’d love it? Strange. I THINK its because I told her it was Glowing, and she thought I said Growing? (ya know, her hole Michelle’s feet growing thing? Yea, she’s gotta weird issue with things growing, its scary to her for some reason.) But yea, that was weird.
A while back, Diella had a chart we were keeping for good behavior, the “obey chart.” There was a path, and she would get a sticker on each square along the path, and after I think maybe 20 stickers, she would get a prize at the end. (and it was like, if she obeyed on the FIRST time I asked, not if I had to remind her to obey for a sticker). The first time the prize was an umbrella that she had been asking for, and then on the 2nd half of the chart, the prize at the end was silver shoes that she had been asking for. Well, we’ve completed the chart, she did well. And now she’s on this Shoe kick, she LOVES shoes! So she had FINALLY started to (sometimes) go #2 on the potty again! Halleluhia! (its once in a while, though, she still goes not-on-the-potty sometimes too, but we’re getting closer at least). Well the first time she did it, my mom brought her home a present, it was fairy wings, a wand, shoes, and a skirt, it was cute! Then her daddy told her next time she #2’d on the potty, he’d get her some sparkly shoes. So it wasn’t long until she got those, but now I’m to the point where she’s not gonna get something like that when she goes, but just a popsicle or something instead, hehe. So we’re still working on it, and making progress at least!
A few MORE little funny things Diella has said. When her pants are twisted a bit, or if the top lip of her sock is folded down, or any little thing like this, she says “something is wrong” hehe. And to any kids she sees, anywhere, at church or the store or wherever, she says “those are my friends” hehe. And she has been saying “you’re welcome” lately, which I love! Her manners are getting better & better! She recently has been asking, “right now or not right now?” Whenever we’re talking about doing something, like going potty, or going to the store, or eating a meal, she asks Right now or not right now? Ha! Oh, when she gets excited, she says “woo hoo!” like literally Woo. Hoo. I love that, it cracks me up! And one more thing, a lot of times when I’m trying to teach her consequences of things, I say “see?!” or “see what happens?” and now she says that as well, she says, “see wha happens?” but sometimes it doesn’t really apply to what we’re doing, hehe. Oh wait, ONE more thing… this one I hate that she says. Sometimes if she isn’t behaving too well, and then she asks me if she can do something, I’ll say “you can when you start to obey.” And now when I ask her to do something, she’ll say, “you can when you obey!” I’m like, “Diella, it doesn’t work that way honey. Mommy makes the rules, not Diella.” She’s like “oh.”
On the note of her behavior, (ok, I’m sorry, I don’t remember if I already wrote this, I’ve been working on this blog over a matter of DAYS, so I’m sorry if I’m repeating), but she’s gradually coming out of the terrible two’s! It is So nice! I mean, she for Sure still has her not-nice moments, and sometimes she is SO Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde, so polite & sweet one moment, and a Monster the next… but she’s learning that when she misbehaves, there will be repercussions, and its getting better, Finally!
Just now, Diella was saying she wanted to take a nap LATER. I said, “well, in just a little bit.” She goes, “a little bit LATER.” I said, “ok, a little bit, Later, same thing.” She goes, “yea, they’re the same color.” Lol!
Lately, when Diella says ”c’mon”, she does that finger gesture that goes with it, where you bend your pointer finer towards yourself. I think its cute.
Haha! And just now she asked me, “can you turn the TV up so I can hear it?” I said, “are you deaf?” and she goes, “Mmm hmm.”
Diella has been dressing herself for a long time now, and its 100%! A few times lately, either first thing in the morning, or randomly during the day, she’ll go into her room, and come out with a totally different outfit on, it cracks up!!! Once or twice she came out & all her clothes were backwards, which is hilarious, but its cool that she’s doing it all herself! One time she came out in tiny shorts that barely fit, and a tee shirt that was also short & showing her belly. It was hilarious! And it was also an indication that I need to go through her drawers and take out the too small clothes, lol!
Diella started doing this thing lately, where she babbles…. Like a baby. At first we were like, ‘uh, this is NOT cool.’ But then she started doing it and laughing afterwards, and not like a ‘haha, I’m doing something wrong’ laugh, but a ‘I’m doing this to make you laugh’ laugh. So I think she’s jus tryin to be funny, cuz she’ll do it like at the end of a sentence. Like, “twinkle twinkle little Ethan, balah beloole” … its interesting.
She loves to dance! When she was in my BELLY, I Called it that she would be a dancer! She’s getting good at copying moves that she sees. Yesterday I was doin some dance, and she was watching so closely, trying to mimic it, and she would try (and not come very close) and I would say “good job!!!” … well today, she got it! Its like you spin around on one foot… like get momentum & then spin all the way around, she does it Great!!!!
Ok, we were in the doctors office a week or two ago, around Christmas time, and we go into the room and there’s Christmas music playing (like through the system, ya know?). And Diella says, “where’s that coming from?” and I pointed to the ceiling & said up there. (there’s two big lights & a speaker in the middle) She looks up and says, “hm, the left one or the right light?” wow! … I said, “in the middle honey, the circle.” She goes, “oh, the holes.” Hehe yea! …. Then minutes later, we were looking at this decoration on the wall of a snowman, with a scarf & hat on. We were talking about him and his carrot nose n stuff, and I said, “and whats on his head?” (thinking she would jus say ‘a black hat’ or something) and she goes, “a magic trick hat” hehe, cool! My mom & Aunt Mia both thought she maybe got that from the song Frosty the Snowman? And it’s a possibility, but I dunno when she would have heard that song? Either way, that was neat, her observation of detail!
One day this week she had just gotten on a shirt & her panties, and then I asked her to put her socks on. She said she didn’t wanna wear socks, and then she goes to walk out of the room. And just so sharply & dramatically, she stops… says, “wait a second” … turns around… and says… “I need pants.” It was just like a little actress, So hilarious!
And lastly…. I’ve said before how we have this long prayer that we say at night, its usually the same each night, but once in a while we’ll add on something new at the end, pertaining to whatever we’re going through at the time, like when she had the sores on her mouth, the end of our prayer we’d add “and please help my mouth to feel all better.” Well, she’s starting to memorize this long prayer, and do it mostly herself, it is adorable! And she’s even starting to add phrases herself, almost like she is Really praying in her heart! I mean, who says she’s not! I love it!!! Praise the Lord!
1 comment:
omgosh there is so much! It's all so cute! I think there's so much it's hard to comment! I'm so happy for you that she's getting out of her TT's. I know that was hard! I also LOVE the pics (of course!) We miss you! Come see us!
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