Just one or two quick things... When dressing Diella lately, taking off a shirt is say 'arms up' and would lift the shirt up over her head, and the shirt would just pull the arms up, but she now finally does it first, once i say Arms Up, before I lift the shirt... I just love when I see her understand something I say, and so it!
Same with today, even though she's known the sign for help... like most signs, she'll sign it when I say the word... but today she was trying to get up on this stool and she looked at me & signed help! I just love how she's so clearly communicating with me!
Oh and she says "ah ka" for water... its weird... kinda sounds like her quack quack sound, but says it every time she sees her sippy cup of water... weird
(I am watching this snake chaser guy on Animal Planet right now, and I just have to say those guys are so far past insane... "A single drop of this venim could kill an adult human" -as he continues toward the snake, grabbing its tail.... moron! And "lets capture a great shot of this deadly snake" -as I let him crawl up my shirt... what is going through your mind, wack job!!??)
Anyway.... sorry.... last thing... she's so funny, there are a few questions I ask her, and she nods her head every time... they include "Is it good?" (when she's eating) nods... "Are you ready for a nap/for bed?" (when she's tired) nods... "Do you want to eat?" (always... even if she's not hungry) nods ... funny girl! I know she knows what I'm asking, but will nod Yes, no matter what she really wants... hilarious! Now i'm trying to get her to nod when I ask, "Do you love mommy?" heheh
Oh and she finally finds her belly when I ask her where it is!!! Yay!
I'm just so proud of her allt he time, like when I had her at a friends house a few days ago, who also has a little one Diella's age... and she was just astounded by D's comprehension... My Smart Girl!!!
That expression is priceless! I love it! Way too cute!
I'm amazing by her ability to comprehend too! You've obviously been working with her very religiously since day 1 on things like animal sounds, colors, signs, etc! That's amazing! More parents need to be like you :)
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