Few other things, while I'm here... yesterday morning, I had the yawns... after about my 5th yawn, Diella opens her mouth wide & breathes... like she was copying my yawn... its was hilarious! Then she did it again... then Jake came out, I asked him to fake yawn, he did, then she copied, haha! Then same thing when Chris came out... then papa, so funny!
Same morning, I asked Diella where her foot was (I dont remember why) but she lifted it to show me!!! She locates her feet, yay! And she's very into putting on shoes right now... her own, other people's, any! Its cute!
SAME morning.... (she's been sitting on command, "sit on your butt") for a while now, but I held her hands and said 'sit down' she sat... then said 'stand up' then she stood, and again & again, cuz she was laughing & I thought it was funny too, so we made it a game! :)
She learned the sign for eat!!!! Finally got it, now she does it all the time!!
And the sign for bath!! She did it before, but I couldnt tell if it was an accident or not (it looks kinda like sign for please)... but she did it again today! So we're up to 7 signs!!!
She used to do the duck sound for every animal.... now every animal she doesnt recognize, its the elephant sound, hehe.... and its not very 'authentic' ... its like her bottom lip comes out & she tries to blow... but she knows its an elephant, I know its an elephant, so it counts :)
She knows what 'chew it up' means... she'll chomp a few times when I say it (usually when she tries to swallow too big of a piece & coughs on it)... I say chew it up & she does better
One day she was doing this thing where she takes her two hands and puts them up by her cheek and tilts her head... and it was so cute I said "awww" .... so now when anyone says 'aww' she does that... its ADORABLE! Need to get a pic of that
Oh and I forgot to blog that she's got this rash on her mouth, musta been some kind of contact thing from a food, we think... people keep thinking we need to wipe her mouth, but its not messy, its irritated.... it makes her look terrible... its not REAL red or anything, and its starting to go away a lil each day, but its been a whole week & we just want it gone! We put a lil antibiotic on it a few times, but hafta do it when she's sleeping or she might lick it... so just pray that is goes away fast!
Well thats all, hope you're enjoying!
I LOVE the ponies!! I can't say that enough times! She is doing some really cute things! I cant wait for these girls to get together!
such a smart little girl!
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