Well, uh oh, its been a while since I’ve blogged again, so my list is really long. So even tho its gonna be long, I’ll try to keep the details short.
At the park one time, Diella said, “mommy, that girl has a baby in her belly, jus like you” – about a girl, who was NOT pregnant. Woops!
A few funny things she has said. “That. Was. Disgusting.” “Yes your majesty.” She tells me to be patient, Ha! “I don’t need a ponytail, my hair’s already beautiful.” I couldn’t argue with that one! The other day she said “Aww” when daddy & I kissed in the car, hehehe.
Diella calls Dairy Queen – Fairy Queen. HAHAHAA!!!
One morning, during my first trimester, I was just feeling SO sluggish, and tired, and just yukky. I was laying in the living room, just could barely move. Diella decided to take care of me. She put HER blanket around me, and brought me some water, and even a cough drop! Awww, melt my heart!
Oh my gosh, just now we were eating lunch outside, and I said “thank you Lubber Dubber.” (she usually says, “I’m not ____, I’m Diella!”) but this time she goes, “I’m not Not Lubber Dubber, I’m Rubber Ducky!” … so I’m CRACKIN UP! And I say, “sorry Lubber Dubber.” And she goes, “I’m not Rubber Dubber, I’m a DUCK!” and I laugh harder, and she goes, “its not funny!” then looks up at me with a smile… cuz you could totally tell it was an act, she was messin the whole time. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while!
Aunt Alethea got Diella a wand, and I knew that she knows that they’re for princess, but when she said this… I found out she also knew they had another purpose. She was playing with the wand & said, “I’m gonna do a magic trick. I’m gonna turn you into Ethan, me into mommy, and Ethan into me.” !!! wow!!!
Man, one day we were getting out of the car, and she wasn’t talking very nice, and I said to her, “watch yourself.” … she goes, “I cant watch myself, I’m not in a mirror.” … sigh, I thought they didn’t back talk like that til they were like 6 or 7??? (I really don’t think it was meant to be mean, I think she honestly didn’t know why I told her to watch herself when there was no mirror around) lol, but still.
Diella usually gets up from nap between 4:15-4:30. One day she woke up at 3 something, and I said, “aw honey, why did you wake up?” she said, “cuz its thirty o’clock, so I woke up.” There ya go.
Diella often says I love you, but a few times lately she’s been saying I Like You. And I LOVE that! It almost means more, ya know!? Well one day she said I love you, and I said, I Love YOU. And we went back and forth one or two more times, and then she goes, “ok, you love me.” Hehehe!
I think its cute how instead of ‘I ate all my food’ Diella says it, ‘I ate my food all.’ One of those ones I don’t really wanna correct, hehe.
One day she referred to the crust on her sandwich, as the seam. I thought that was adorable!
She likes Honey Bunches of Oats cereal. She calls it Honey Bunch in a Boats. Lol
Diella LOVES to sing songs! And she learns them pretty fast! I tried to make a list & count em up, and I couldnt…. But there’s more than 20 songs she’s memorized & sings all the time! Then today, there’s this one toy we have in the car sometimes, and a song was playing that doesn’t really have words, so at first she was singing along with like Doot Doots, to the melody, which was cool! And THEN, she started making up her own words, she was singing “have a nice day” to the melody! It was awesome!
One day I told Diella it was time for nap, and she said, “I cant sleep in these clothes!” it was jeans, but she usually sleeps in whatever she’s got on. That was random! Then after I knew she was asleep, I went in to check on her, and she was in her winter, zip up, footed jammies! Hahaha!
A few things that my mom has shared with me that Diella has said when Ahna was watching her. My mom was telling her how big she was getting, etc. And after they talked about it a little, Diella said, “I’ll grow up, but not too fast.” AWW! … Diella was going down for bed, and Ahna told her she was gonna do the dishes. Diella said, “but not the glass dishes, ok? Then it might wake me up.” How does she draw these conclusions on her own!!?? Cool! … then last night, they went to Ziggy’s to eat, and my mom told Diella to thank Chef Bill for making her meal special. And Diella says, “thank you man, I appreciate it.” She used the word appreciate!!!!
Another word she used the other day at home was when she walked into her room, and I really don’t even know what she was lookin at, but she goes, “I didn’t expect to see THAT!” … she said expect! Wow.
The other day, leaving from the doctor, I only had Diella with me, and the kids always get stickers on our way out, from the nurses. Well, Diella was getting hers, and asked if she could have some for Ethan! How cute! (funny how she’s so mean to him at home, but this shows she really Does love him!)
I was talking to daddy in the car, tell him about a conversation I had with a friend, and I said, “the easy way’s not always the best way.” And from the back seat, Diella interjects, “yes it is.” We laughed so hard!
I often touch Diella’s face or hair when I’m talking to her. Now she does it to me All the time. I. Love. It!
The other day we were driving, and Diella says, “can I hug you when I get out?” So Cute!
A few nights ago we ate dinner on the deck at Ahna & Papa’s house. I had gotten out all the plates, utensils, and cups, and set them on the table. Jake, mom & dad, and I were all chatting, and we look over & Diella was setting the table! She said, “I’m getting it started.” She did a great job too!!!
Yesterday we ate lunch in our front yard. Diella stood by the sidewalk as the cars drove by, pulling her arm down as to signal the cars to beep as they went by, and the sound she was making, was “choo choo!” lol, only one beeped, but at least we got one! … also, that day, as I brought out her lunch & set it in front of her, (and it really wasn’t any special lunch, it was same things I always make her), she looked at it and said, “you’re the best maker ever!” … and she said it again today too!
Ok, and this girl amazes me every day, as you all know. Well there’s this rhyme that they say on and episode of the Wiggles, and one day she was playing with that wand, and she goes, “Abra Cadabra, rabbit in my hat, come on out, so we can have a nice chat.” … alright, so yea she didn’t make it up & she’s heard it before, but she said it correctly, word for word! I thought it was amazing! Then a week or two later, we had out this book that I often read to her, a Strawberry Shortcake book, and she said SHE wanted to read it. So she began, “five sweet strawberries, growing by my door, lets put them in our basket, and go find more!” … and again, she didn’t make it up, but just from hearing it a few times, she not only memorized it, but then quoted it verbatim! Amazing!!!
She’s also become quite the story teller (and I don’t mean like telling tall tales), I just mean she’ll make up fun, creative stories, and go on & on with the details, its so great! I recorded a few of them on my phone, I’ll try to upload! When they get long, it gets to this point… “and THEN…. And THEN… and THEEEEN…” hehe. She’s also very animated, and uses her hands a lot. Its amazing to watch my little almost 3-yr old do these things!
Awesome, awesome, awesome and THEN more awesome!
aw cute!! I love how much she talks about Chanson & Aria cute! Love the stories - can you believe they're gonna be 3?? I cannot. That is way too grown up!
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