Now, when you ask her a question, she says “uh” first… so like “uh, yes” or “uh, no” … I dunno where this came from, but its kinda funny!... she also (unfortunately) got the phrase “get outta here” from me. Its ok when she uses it like yesterday, she said to this bee flying around, “get outta here bee”, but she’s also said it to Ethan once when she was mad, oops.
Poor Diella has been getting bitten by all the mosquitoes so bad lately! She’s got like 8 on her back right now! When she wants me to scratch em, she says “mom, I got itchies, kratch it” hehe, aw.
Even though Diella doesn’t obey sometimes, I wonder if she does it to make me mad, or just to test me or what… because when she disobeys, we sit down & talk about how it makes mommy sad, and she says “make mommy happy, I want to obey” … so ya know kids, maybe she’s just saying that to get outta trouble, but I just really hope her heart is right.
One day she was sitting in time out, SINGING “I don’t want to sit in time out” … that was hilarious! (another one of those things I really should have grabbed the video camera for!)
Diella likes bandaids, sometimes she even asks for one when she has no boo boo. She’ll even tell me she got shots in the leg (when she hasn’t had those for a while now) hehe
One time she was getting frustrated with something & she asked me to do it, and I told her “you can do it, just try” … and so she tried, and then yelled, “I Cant….” And stopped, lol, she DID do it… it jus made me laugh cuz in the middle of her about to say ‘I cant do it’, she did it, and swallowed her words real fast, lol!
One day I asked her to do something, and she goes “I’m busy” LOL! Sigh* the things they pick up on! … oh, and once I was doing something with Ethan, and Diella reminds me, “just be gentle” she said. Haha! How cute!
Diella is starting to be able to get doors open on her own, some she can get all the way, others, if you have to pull it open, she’ll get the latch, but can hardly pull it open… anyway, we have to lock doors now, and get screens on them so she doesn’t escape in the middle of the night! Ah! (lol, like she ever would.. but safe than sorry)
Oh my goodness, sometimes when she walks around naked, I call her Cheekies!... and its just become a habit, every once in a while I’ll call her that… and if I need to get her attention, I say “hey Cheekies”, and she goes “what.” Lol, she answers to the name Cheekies! HAHA!!
One day, I have no clue where she got this from, but she just said “Ladies And Gentlemen!”… well, she said it more like “lady and geni-mens” heheh, love it!
Ok, some of the songs she sings… like Itsy Bitsy Spider, when I sing it with her… I’ll sing a line, then she’ll sing a line, through the whole song, funny thing is, every time its her turn, she sings “washa spidoout” (well, that was a while ago, now she’s starting to get other parts, like ‘dried up all the rain’ she sings like ‘grabbed all the rain’ hehe, love it! … and here is the song that I made up for her when she was just a little baby, and now we sing it together, I sing some of it, and she fills in the blanks… (BOLD is Diella)…. “You’re my beautiful GIRL, yes my beautiful GIRL, the most beautiful in ALL THE WORLD, she’s got beautiful EYES, and a cute little NOSE, her precious LIPS, and her tiny TOES, she’s got cute little EARS, it’s the music she HEARS, and her dark blonde hair all the WAY UP THERE, she’s my BEAUTIFUL GIRL” !!! Yay! Fun!
Ok, I SWEAR to you, Diella can read lips (I mean, no perfectly and anything you say), but like if someone asks her a question and I think she knows the answer but she wont say it… she’ll look at me & I’ll mouth the answer to her & then she says it! I’m so not joking, this has happened quite a few times! COOLNESS!
And another really cool thing that she does lately… connect the dots! (not like a whole picture or anything), but like I’ll draw out some dots on a paper & tell her which one to start with, and she does it! I’ve got one on the fridge, cuz she does surprisingly well with it!
Diella loves The Wiggles… and the past two days, when she asks me if she can watch it, she also asks to put on a dress… she says “put on a dress, watch Wiggles, and dance!” So cute!!
Oh, and Diella LOVES her little brother! She is constantly “Eeeethaaaan”, all sweet voice & big smile! And she tries to help if he’s ever fussy. And she’s the one who knows just how to make him laugh better than any of us!
And, as usual, potty update… she will go pee on the potty every time she tries to, but she still doesn’t ASK to go… and she is, just the past few days, finally going #2 on the potty again (used to, and hasn’t in quite a while)… so this is good! And now we try big girl panties once a day or so… yesterday evening she kept them dry all evening long! (she does sometimes have pee accidents in her panties… but as soon as she goes, she says “mommy, I peed”…. So its like she knows right when she goes, but doesn’t know right before she’s about to go…. Its ok, we’re learning, we’re getting there… good girl! In fact, yesterday, I suggested she go potty, but she didn’t want to, so I just got out the potty & kinda didn’t pay attention to her for a little bit… so she sits on the couch for a while (she’s in her big girl panties), then goes over to the potty, opens the lid, Pulls Down Her Own Panties, sits down, goes pee, and pulls her panties back up, all By Herself!!! Then I handed her a wipe & she wiped too! If only we could do this more often! Go Girl!
link to Ethan's blog www.newritenourangel.blogspot.com
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