So I forgot to mention in her last blog about her Birthday! well, the Stickels came over to sing & give presents! She got a teddy bear & stickers & a coloring book with a height chart! ... well, the day of her birthday was mostly driving down to VA, and that night was her cousin's graduation. So later that night she got presents from her aunt, and then the next day from a friend, Marijke! ... she got bubbles, and I think more stickers, and a bunch of cool books that you can draw & erase on, and a tea party set!!! Plus, this weekend is a 3-fold party at our house, Chris being home, the Stickels' going away party, and happy birthday to Diella, so there's more fun to be had!
Just now she had her toy camera & she was 'taking pictures' of me, and kept showing me what poses to do... Hilarious!
Oh and did I say she uses the word "really" all the time now... like really hot, or really bad, etc.... its funny
Oh, and I forgot to mention in the last blog, all that goin on the potty she's been doing, awesome! but she hasnt gone since Friday (its Wednesday today) boo... oh well, it'll pick up again!
oh, and when we were in VA, there was this toy bird that played the chicken dance song, well Diella learned it & now she loves it! Haha, fun!
and these pix I took of the two of them, there were FOUR good ones, so you'll hafta check out Ethan's page to see the other two ;) newritenourangel.blogspot.com
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