I forgot to say in last blog, Diella learned something new from a friend in VA... there's this thing at her house, a lil Hawaiian dancer on a spring, so it like moves like it's Hula dancing... and she taught her to dance like this & sing "Hula, Hula" !!! and THEN when Ahna came back from Texas (the same weekend we came back from VA) , we showed her this and she said she had just taught Aria the same thing! Crazy! So now the girls can Hula dance together!
So now that's she gots a big girl bed, and her own room, there are a few good points & a few bad... Good thing is, we dont hafta put her back in her bed anymore... even with the freedom to get out as she pleases, she just goes to bed! :) Bad thing is, both nights so far, she has woken up at night once... not sure why? I dont think its cuz of new bed, but I guess there's no telling WHY. But we like it, its going well!
Oh, and she still hasnt gone pee or poo on the potty yet, but we still try everyday... I think we might be getting a lil closer tho... she always tells me right after she poo's, so I'm sure she's uncomfortable with it in there... and then this morning she says 'mommy, diaper wet, off' ... so she's aware when she's wet too, good! Maybe soon! Let's pray!
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