Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Just Bored, Figured I'd Blog

Just some pictures Jake took on Sunday, cuz we were rockin the headbands! :) I think Diella is ready for this baby to come, as we are! She hugs & kisses my belly alot! :)

The colors and numbers have been popping out correctly, left and right! We've had out the two puzzles with colors & numbers & she'll jus plug away & rarely mess up! Even white & black! :) Plus, she loves to count lately, so its really coming along well now!

Still no success on the potty yet. We're working on that... sigh* ... feels it will never happen.

We met a squirrell the other day. There's one that lives in the tree right outside the living room window, we named him Fatty. We threw him some bread, and I think he saw us. He went to another tree & started showing off... then walked right up onto our front step! :) Then we saw another one, so we figured it was his woman & we named her Maddy. Fatty & Maddy. They're not out every day anymore, like they were, but we're hoping they come back to stay! Its entertaining for us!
Oh and she has become quite the little negotiator, believe it or not! Like for example, she'll ask for a cookie... and lets say we tell her either "after dinner" or she didnt eat a good enough dinner & we say no, she holds up one finger right in front of her face and says "Oooone" ... lol, sigh* tryin to inch out every little allowance she can get... thing is, mommy's good at standing her ground & following through with NO, daddy is Such a softy!

1 comment:

miamore said...

LOVE the pics. You shouldn't be allowed to look that good at 39-40 weeks pregnant, though. Cute about the squirrels too! Isn't fun when they get excited about everyday things like squirrels! I love it!