Quite a while ago, Papa taught her how to say "ta da!" when she accomplished something... well lately, she says it ALL the time! Its so cute, she gets so proud of herself! And then sometimes, adds "good girl" hehehe
The sentences are finally starting to pour out! So our communication is just getting better & better! Like she'll say "Ella do it" and "Ella share" and "Daddy home"... things like that ... lol, she JUST now was looking at a book and said "flower, good girl, the end" lol, random! She's in Diella Land! I LOVE when she plays by herself & uses her imagination!
I said how her new fave show is the Backyardigans... well thats a hard word to say! And we'll go through each syllable... i'll say "Back", she repeats it. Yard, 'yard' - Again, 'again'.... I say "Backyardigans" ... and she says "See sings" lol, thats what she calls em, cuz she cant say the whole word, hehe... random!
Aunt Alethea bought her a little apron (for when she's over there & they cook)... she likes to wear it around the house almost every day! She also likes to wear her sandals, which she calls slippers... and she'll walk around the house, rockin this look... then the other day, came into the living room in the get up, but also added her sunglasses, and she enters the room & just stands there til she gets a reaction out of me... and it totally works, she Cracks me up! (I took a pic of this when it happened, but its kinda a crappy one)
A LONG time ago, Diella made up her own word for water - 'gakee' ... and i've never corrected her, cuz its so cute... well lately her dad has been working on pronouncing Wa-Ter, and she can do it fine :) so, sometimes when she asks for water it comes out 'water' and other times 'gakee' hehe... there are Lots of words we have been working on pronounciation with her, and almost every time, she corrects herself & gets it right... like this morning she said 'pace' (face), and all I said was "Diella, face, with an F"... she goes "Face" ... perfect! A few ones that she's corrected lately, she repeats them all the time, to remind me that she's got them right now, like she'll say all these in a row, like she remembers them... Light, jammies, bunny, friend, cuz she's got the pronounciation down, finally :)
She's got this new thing, when she's telling me something or asking for something, she tries to be all cute & tilts her head & has this little grin... she knows JUST how to make us smile & try to get what she wants by bein extra cute... we're in trouble
Alphabet song, she's still learningn it, piece by piece... her favortite part right now, is H-I-J ... she sings that part over & over, hehe, cute! ... and she'll go "X-Y-Z, now I know, ABCs" ... so we're still pluggin away at it... the other day, I heard her over the monitor, she had her Leap Frog who sings the ABCs and she would repeat every few letters, cool!
We have a new nickname for Diella... I call her Tornado, my mom calls her Cyclone... this girl jus tears up a room, one after another... we make her pick her messes up, but its jus crazy how fast they happen! Puzzles, will dump them, play with em for a bit, then move to the next room, get out paper & crayons, play with em for a bit, move on... etc.... SOMEtimes we'll leave a room & she'll remind me 'mama, back' ... she knows she has to put everything back... but its just nuts how often we're picking up.... Constantly!
And there's actually one More nickname we've been calling her lately... Terradactyl... sometimes when she's playin & bein hyper, she's got this LOUD screech that we say sounds like a terradactyl... and its funny, cuz when she was first born, one of her nicknames was "mouse" Jake & I called her that cuz these little tiny adorable squeaky noises she would make... so she's graduated from mouse to terradactyl! ... my dad's one of the ones who calls her that alot, and I always joke with him that its his fault that she's got such a big voice... see, when she was a little baby & she would cry, I would go to get her & my dad would sometimes say 'let her cry a little, she needs to build up those lungs' ... so now I say, "see dad? its all cuz of you that she's so loud" hehe
I know this sounds silly, her being so young, but if I had to pick, I'd say her love language as of now is Words of Affirmation. Whenever we ask her to do something & she does it, she says "good girl" and we agree, "good girl!" ... I think she wants to hear it from us when we're proud of her, that is so cool! Like we'll say 'take one more bite' or 'use your spoon' , and when she does, she goes 'good girl' ... hehe, and when I said "i'm proud of you" she goes "prou-vu" hehe :) ... oh, and she's really good when we make deals with her... like "if you eat more potatoes you can have a cookie" (or "if you dont eat your potatoes, you dont get a snack) and she says "ok" and does it! Yeeeeaaaahhhh!!!