which is a hint to one of her new words! At the library, she pointed to a pumpkin... I told her what it was, and first try... she said Punk-ih !
She's also saying, juice, home, hug, outside, star, trying to say garbage, and good girl!
She has peed on the potty twice!! (and um, #2'd once!!!) Yay!! but it was funny, when she saw what she had done, (the solid)... I usually have her close the lid to the potty when we're done & she wouldnt do it... she was whining when she saw it, like it was scary, hehe
She's gone up on her tip toes! It looks hard, and she wont do it consistently, but once or twice on command. Her pucker for kisses used to be sticking out her bottom lip, which was adorable! But its now a full, two-lip pucker & its even better!!! She does it all the time! I'll hafta get a pic... oh and now when she kisses, she makes a Mmaa sound!
Suddenly, for lots of different reasons, she has come up with making with face, where her lips go in an 'O' shape, and her eyebrows lift a lil, like a surprized look... its so great! (another one I need a pic of)... she usually does it when its a time where she excited, (like when she got up from her nap & heard her daddy's voice, she did it), but other times its outta the blue... still cute!
Just like her cousin Aria, she loves to color with crayons! :) She's climbing all over things... scary... like she was on a chair at the island the other day! Like those high-up chairs in the kitchen, Ahhh! how did you do that, woman?.... She puts one finger up when we ask her if she's one :) and I've taught her how to squish her face with her hands, hehe, then we ask her to say stuff while its still squished... its funny!
Oh and she calls our names SO Loud when she wants us to look... Ma MAAAAA! all the time!
and like the hokey pokey (when she did this on her own, and then we gave it a name, so she does it over & over on command, or just to make us laugh..).. once she spread her fingers, put her hands out in front of her & shook her head rapidly (not her whole head, but like in one place and you shake from the inside, kinda)... we laughed so hard & called it 'cold' ... so now when we say do cold, she'll shake like this & eveyone gets such a kick out of it! hehehe
This new thing, came from nowhere, she does all the time... stick our her tongue & wiggle it side to side... dunno why, but its usually when she's happy :)
She cut a molar! Kinda feels like all of a sudden... then then day after I noticed it (it was her bottom left)... as she was laying down & opened her mouth, I saw the top left one in too! Even farther in than the bottom one! She's up to 9 teeth! Weird tho, she's got 4 top & only 3 bottom, then the two molars on one side... they're comin in all outta order, oh well, thats my random girl :)
Oh and now that its chilly out & we've got the heat turned on, many of you may remember the floor furnace in our house... well the first night we turned it on, Papa, Jake, & I were very speicific and thorough with her about it being hot & that she has to walk AROUND it & not On it... well jake & both my parents thot it'd be best to just put up a gate around it, I told them that I really thought I could train her to consistently go around it & that we didnt need a gate (it would be so annoying for us adults to climb over it all the time)... and even the first night was a success... she stops a few feet in front, hold out her hand, & says Hooott... then carefully & slowly steps around the furnace! I'm so proud of her! And every day has been a success ever since! And yes, I told mom, dad, & Jake 'told you so' :)
1 comment:
Don't worry 'bout the 'no comments' ya'll. Some people just aren't chatters, but that doesn't mean we don't love hearing your stories. I, for one, look forward to it!! Keep 'em coming!
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