Eating string on Labor Day! A Wonderful tradition! She also took part in the onion sandwich eating! We also played with Nerf guns & played volleyball & just had a great day with friends and family!
ok, so its been a few weeks since I've blogged, and this girl is just Cruisin with new things! She attempted to say all 3 the Texans :) names while they were here, Mia, Matt & Aria! She's also consistently tried Jeff, Jasmine, & Colton's names... not so much Caedens, and Aunt Alethea & Uncle Jer we're still working on
Just yesterday she tried to say pretty :) when she was touching Ahna's necklace. She Very often says Buh Bye! its like her favorite thing to say! She tries to say alligator, its not real close, but we're proud of her attempt :) She says Cheese, Bible, potty, yukky, shoes, help, more, butt butt, she'strying to say 'not nice' and she also says "This" alot, when she points to something.... now keep in mind, most of these words are not clear, but we know what she's saying... at least she's trying! :) oh, and she also tries to say Elmo
She learned the sign for Funny! Almost in one try! Did I blog that she made up her own sign for blanket? Its so cute! There is even the real sign for it on one of her videos, but she kept signing something to me that I couldnt figure out, but finally did..... wanted her blanket.... its so nice understand her & that she's communicating so well!
She smiles on command, she points to her head & nods when we ask "are you so smart?" She blows kisses! She says Hi to random people all the time & I think she's catching them off guard, cuz they never say hi back.... and Papa taught her how to 'pound' with her fist, ya know, like instead of high five, its like with the knuckles, hehe, she loves it!
oh yea, she's um discovered that her finger fits perfectly inside her nose... and somehow, we've been able to keep from laughing & tell her its yukky, but its hard, cuz it looks pretty funny.
We bought her a potty! We give it a try about 3 times a day for the past 2 weeks, no success yet, but again, we're trying! :)
ok 2 quick stories... we were playing in Ahna & Papa's room and she literally, without being shown, just walked into the closet, turned out to face us, said "buh bye" and closed the door! It was hilarious! Then once in the car, she was sleepy, so she pointed to her head... I said, do you want me to play with ur hair? She nodded, so I did... then a few mins later, she pulled on my shoulder, and I leaned toward her to see what she wanted, and she gently began to play with My hair! It was adorable!
Aww all of this is so cute!! I love it! Especially the playing with hair part (where she played with your hair). Sweet!! Elmo is one of Aria's new words, too! CUTE! She (D) is doing so many new things! We cant WAIT to see you guys soon!
Oh my gosh and the baby hawk is hilarious!!
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