Diella at the library, for story time, smiling & waving to whoever will smile & wave back :) hehe
ok, this girl is so determined to talk! I cant even keep up with all the new words she is trying! Her alphabooks, she likes to go through them everyday lately! And will pick up on new things so rapidly! She got the tick tock of a clock! And some random ones that she got all of a sudden, without prompting, are 'bug' and 'icecream' ... she has also been saying milk, Jesus, and I think I even heard her try to say All Done this morning! And I also think she's trying to say flower... its weird cuz what she's saying sounds NOTHING like flower, but every time she sees one, or a picture of one, she points to it & says something, like she knows what it is, but there are no F's or ower-sounds at all, hehe... and she's babbling, in her own sentances ALL the Time, WAY more than she used to! :)
The other day we were out on the deck & she was sitting on a folding chair, putting her feet between the seat & back.... and I know she's heard this word before, but nothing I've ever tried to get her to learn or say... all of a sudden she goes "tuck" .... I gasped, did you just say you're stuck!!!??? She nodded... it was awesome! Then this morning she put some necklaces on & couldnt get em off & she looked at me & said, Tuck. Yay! :)
We finally got her to hold up one finger when we say, Diella are you one? !!! She wont do it when we ask how old she is, but when we tell her or ask her if she's one, then she does! With a big, proud smile!
Ok, so we've been trying the potty for about 5 weeks (almost 3 times a day)... and once she went pee, but it was more like we sat there for a while & she got up to grab something & squatted to pee, so I threw her on the potty & she finished, but we counted it :) but one thing she CAN do consistently, is wipe! I hand her a wipe & she knows where to put it! (front, not back)
She has a new obssesion with drawing... Ahna got her started on it a while back, but now she LOVES it! My mom told me yesterday when we were visiting her in her office, Diella kept saying Nana, Nana (Ahna) and wouldnt draw until Ahna was watching her, hehe... then she did same thing to me this morning, had her pencil & paper and was goin, Mama, mama, til I Watched her draw :) and she just gets this big, accomplished smile!
Oh, btw, she's been off the bottle for over a month now... and she can drink from a straw, I didnt know that was a big deal, but my sis thought it was cool that she can at this age, cool!
And she's learned two new signs! She got the one for cereal! I think its a hard one, but they do it on one of her videos & she kinda copied it one day, outta the blue! And finally got the sign for drink! I think Ahna helped her with this & she got it in like one or two tries! Still working on the sign for Amen.... I think cereal is harder than amen!
Her two fave things to say are 'buh bye' and 'hepee' which is help me.... I love this girl!