just lots of little things... she hasn't done much of anything monumental in a while, it seems... she still says Hi & quack quack All the time, and it seems like she says quack even when there's no duck to be seen... i'll go "there's no duck, silly" ... lately she's been pointing tho... so she'll quack & i dont see a duck anywhere, then she points! Twice this has happened. Once when the menu screen of a Baby Einstein was on, I thot there were no ducks, she points & quacks and sure enough, there they are! Same with the other day, on her changing table, i'm thinking "where on earth does she see ducks? There's no ducks in her room" I turn around, and there are two on the calendar in her room & she's pointing and quacking at them! Silly girl! I think maybe when we have baby number 2, they're gonna get Diella's Veggie Tales room decor & D's gonna get a duck room! hehe.... just now, I took a break to feed her lunch, she was pointing and quacking, and i looked around and there were no ducks to been seen anywhere... then I spotted this magnet onthe fridge that's a yellow squash, maybe that's what she was going for? Well, at least she's corresponding with the color yellow?
I just put lots of new pictures of her up on my MySpace, in the 'Diella Album the Third'
Um, she's gotta thing with Ears... i cant figure it out... she'll use her hand to turn your head & then touch your ears... crazy! And she pulls on her own ears all the time lately (and no we dont think its ear infection, she's had them before, but this isn't like that) but lets still pray that she doesn't get anymore! :)
She kisses & hugs me All the time, I Love it!!! And not just when i ask for it, either, she'll come right at me for a kiss and I go Free kisses!! I love when i get them without asking!
Did I ever mention that this girl loves to be naked? Hehe, wonder where she gets that from? Well in her diaper anyway... whenever we take her clothes off, she giggles & runs around, so then often times we just leave her in her diaper to play (at home of course).
I've got to make sure, when she's doing something & I'm asking her to not do it anymore, that I use the words "no more" or "that's enough" ... cuz sometimes i say "all done" and she does the sign for it... then it kinda means something else... hehe, oops
Two things have happened while I wasn't around... so ya just never know for sure, but once her babysitter took her for a walk & they heard a dog barking, Tracy said she swears Diella was trying to bark back, aw! Cool! Baby do it for mommy! :) And also, another woman from church was watching D in the hall while i was in youth group and she said that when she grabbed a toy for Diella and said There It Is! She swore she heard Diella say it back, There It Is! Yay! I hope she really did both of those & meant it! Now time to do that stuff at home, lady!
It's funny, sometimes if she won't eat and I need her to, she's learned to whine with her mouth closed, cuz she knows that if she cries with it open that i'll put food in it while it's open, haha!
She just brought me two of Jake's shoes, one in each hand... you know how heavy those things are! Told you this girl was strong, geez!
She's getting much more ticklish! Especially under the armpits! I have this vibrating back massager, that I basically have given to her as a toy cuz she loves it! I put it right under her armpit & she cracks up! Actually, every kid thats ever been over here to play loves that thing and every mother has said "I gotta get one'a those for the kids" ... so here is my recommendation to get a vibrating massager for kids to play with, they love it!
Ya know how i said she's pretty good at helping me get her dressed? Well she's always been good with geting the shirt or onesie on, now she's gettin better at pants, and most of all, socks or slippers... she'll put her foot out when i've got a sock in my hand... even if she's already got one on, she'll stick out the foot without a sock... smarty pants!
Ok, so she's been walking for 3 months now, and sometimes she tries to run but not too far until she falls... well, if she's got something in her hand & then she realized that I saw it & I begin to go toward her to take it away, this girl whips around and takes off faster than her feet can go! It's hilarious!
Scary the other day, we had a stool in the living room (black, wooden, about 3 feet high) and she was trying to reach something off of it, and it fell... and so did she, onto her back... and it fell, on top of her... it looked worse than it was tho, we think it hit her face, but we only ended up seeing a little bruise on her shin & and even littler one under her chin... so no biggie
I said how her new favorite toy is Leap, who sings the alphabet... well now its any toy that plays music... there's this one that plays 5 different nursery rhyme songs, she'll bring it to me & set it on my lap, and when i play one, she instantly starts smiling & dancing... hm, i wonder if we have a musician on our hands??? She also brings me these two hand puppets. She'll put em on my lap and wait there til I put it on my hand... then the other day when I did this, she grabbed him & hugged & kissed him! Aw!
So funny, when she eats, she's getting wise... she sticks out her tongue to taste it, before she opens her mouth, like she doesnt trust what i'm giving her... so if she doesnt like what she tasted, she turns her head and wont eat it... it would be annoying i think, but its smart... she wants to taste it first, make sure she likes it... I guess i cant argue with that... I do the same, hehe
Ok, and lastly... some things that we haven't quite gotten, but are working on... still trying to get eyes, ears, nose & mouth... and belly actually :) we're always pinching that belly & yell Belly! Then trying to get her to point to her tummy when we ask Where's Yout belly?" not there yet, but close... and... red, blue, green, yellow... still not really close at all to identifying them, but mayeb i'm a little ahead of myself on that one? ... still trying animal sounds, but she's still so satisfied with Quack, so... no other animals yet... the signs that we're working on (now that i know she understands them, i.e. All Done).. are 'Help' , 'thank you' , 'eat' , and most often, 'please' ... i think she understands the sign for please, but hasnt shown me yet... and also I wonder if I should see if she can match 2 things... i think that might be too advanced for her, but she brings me shoes all the time, I kinda wanna see if I set them all out, will she be able to find the other? I doubt it, but will give it a shot.
ok, wow, this is the longest blog i've ever done, i'll be surprised if anyone besides Mia ;) reads this...
I just put lots of new pictures of her up on my MySpace, in the 'Diella Album the Third'
Birthday is 8 days away!!!!
~Kat & D
I did read it through... quickly, and then thoroughly. I should've taken notes cuz I have lots of comments! Just so cool all the things she's doing! She's so darn cute, too.
Aria is hugging a lot, too, and so I think it'd be awfully cute if D n A hugged each other! awwwwww!! The kiss might be funny, tho, bc if D is like A, her mouth is open when she kisses. Puts a whole new spin on sloppy kisses.
I read them and lookie all your pix, Kat. I don't respond often because I usually look after work (like 1:00 am), but I would be very sad if you stopped posting just because peoples don't comment. Trust me......I LOOK often and am disappointed when you don't update, so there!! ;)
Hey, can't waid to help you teach her stuff! And about the bruises on her face...wonder where she gets that from? See you soon! :)
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