Saturday, June 21, 2008

Can't Keep Up

I'm not going to go into alot of detail with much, because there is so much, I can hardly keep up! She's learned the sign for 'help'! And she also finally does the sign for 'milk'! That's 5 signs she knows now! Yay!

We all know she says mama, dada, quack (all the time, hehe), hi, and up... well now she's starting to say new words, but can only get the first syllable (like ap for apple), like ba- is ball, ha- is hat, and da- is down... its not perfect, but I'll take it! She's learning!

She's learned the elephant sound and the cow sound, but finally starting to do them more consistently, (but still everything yellow is quack quack, hehe)...

There are lots of things she does on command (if any of this stuff I've blogged before, I apologize, like I said, I cant keep up, hehe!) High five, sit, shake head no for no & nod yes for yes, dance, gimmie kiss, sing... and there are some new things we've learned... she sticks her tongue out at you if you do it first! hehe .... I finally taught her how to hold the spoon while I'm feeding her (learned this from Aria & Aunt Mia's video, thanks! :) ... I say 'holf the spoon' and she grabs onto it, with my hand still on it, then takes a bite & lets go... but I'm glad that we've got the first step! ... I've been trying to teach her 'where's your tummy' and she finally did it this morning! Only once though, havent been able to get her to do it a second time... and then a few times I've noticed she rolls her toes, kinda like how you would tap all 5 of your fingers on the table, only with her toes... its hilarious! I went to show Ahna that she does this, and I took off her sock & said 'roll your toes' and she did it! I Cant Even Roll My Toes if I Tried! (and i have tried) lol.. funny girl!

Most of the time when I say 'where's mommy's nose?' she can find it.. and a few times she's found my mouth as well.. and then once the other night, she found her own mouth! Another night, I was holding her and asked her where my nose was, so she put her finger on it abnd kept it there, while she got disctracted by the TV & looked over at it, then I said 'where's mommy's mouth?' and while she was still looking at the TV, she put her finger on my mouth! It was an accident, but really funny!

A few times I have quizzed Diella, I've held up two different things, ones that I know she knows what they are, like a duck, a car, a ball, and a book, and asked her "which one is the ___?" and she gets is ALMOST every time! :)

When she hands me a toy (mostly stuffed animals), I hug them and say 'aw' and then give them back, well now whenever we say "aw" to anything or hand her a stuffed animal, she hugs it & tilts her head to the side... and the other day i said Aw and she just pulled her empty hands up to her cheek & tilted her head... SO CUTE! And she also sometimes does it to my lap, or to the floor, or to her new chair, hehe

Yesterday I think she wanted up, and she did the sign for please, then all done, then please, then all done... poor girl, she was confused

Diella says hi to strangers, I love that! She very friendly! But its weird, sometimes she acts shy, other times not... yesterday we were garage sale-ing and when I hold her and people would say hi & I ask her to say Hi back, she smiles & burries her head in my shoulder... other times, last night at Jasmine's softball game, she would point to people behind us, or on the side of us, on the bleechers, and say hi :)

She puts necklaces on herself, she sits in my parents' bean bag chair & lounges like all comfortable... and two more quick stories... she was going backwards down the 4 stairs going into the garage, and got to the bottom one and kept going backwards like there were more stairs! My dad and I were laughing so hard! And last one... I went to wake her up from her nap the other day, and I gently said her name, and she opened her eyes, and then grabbed her blanket, pulled it over her face, and her body went back to limp & motionless... it was hilarious! Just like a teenager who didnt wanna wake up for school! Haha

Hope you enjoyed, sorry so long



Kara Marie Brown said...

OH MY GOSH. How cute about pulling her blankie over her face. She's got so much personality, that little one! I love reading all your stories....keep them coming!

miamore said...

These girls will have soooo much fun in August!! Their little brains are like sponges aren't they?