Friday, May 23, 2008

My Funny Lady

Holy mizokus! this is gonna be hard to explain, but i'll give it a shot... (and i got it on my camera phone, but dont think i can transfer that to internet?) ... she hummed these two little notes, like the first one high, then drop down... i thot it was adorable! so i did it too, then she did again, and we kept going back and forth, same two notes... it was awesome! like she's already learning how to sing! and she did the same two every time, it was incredible! then she'd walk away, still humming same to notes over and over! So cute!...

oh but the other day, this is so sick.. we were in TJ Maxx and i was letting her walk around (of course i was two steps behind her... you just cant keep this girl sittin still)... and i must have blinked (how dare i!)... cuz a few minutes later, when Jake had picked her up & put her on his shoulders, i noticed something in her mouth... and when i scooped it out, i found that it was one'a those lil Ritz cheese cracker sandwich bite thingy's... gross! i didnt give her that! she musta found it on the floor!!! i practically gagged! Jake said, eh, she's fine, i stuck worse in my mouth as a kid... and i giggled, i mean, i knew she'd be fine, it was just discusting!...

k then yesterday i was vacuuming, (i've only done it like one other time with her around, jake usually does it when we're not close by).... and she would like hide behind the chair, with curious eyes, not scared or crying or whining or anything, just unsure... then she would go into the kitchen, but peek her head around the corner so she could still see what that loud noice was... but i think she still trusted it cuz i was right there.. it was cute!..

then yesterday i took her outside to play, and she loves to put rocks in her mouth (she's finally stopped eating dirt & grass, but still has a thing for rocks?)... so i took her in the middle of the grass with a ball, so there were no rocks around... and we played for a bit, the cats are outside, they love to join us... so Diella starts wakling away, and i just smile & watch her (we live where there's NO other houses, NO cars, etc. so no danger anywhere really)... and she just starts taking a walk, down the dirt road, all 3 cats began to follow her, so the 4 of them trotted down the road, blissfully... (cuz usually its the 5 of us, i'll take D for a walk & the cats follow) but it was like D thot she was grown up enough to go on her own now, it was adorable, i just sat & watched for a few minutes until i joined them. Well, there's more, but of course i cant think of it now... hope you enjoyed! Be back soon!
like her matching outfit in this pic? hehehe

Alethea, i made you paragraphs! (sorry capital letters is still too much for me ;)



miamore said...

haha! I was going to request paragraphs, too! ;-) ;-) so thanks!

That is sooo cute!! I love the singing story! Aria and Diella can sing duets. I hope Aria gets her auntie's voice, and not her mommy's! haha!

OH and I can't believe I'm going to tell you this, but my sister and I used to eat candy that fell from the bleechers at hockey games! How disguisting is THAT?? But still, I hear ya, I'd freak out if Aria ate that off the ground, too ;-)

I love where you live, that is so cool that she can just walk around outside!

miamore said...

I forgot to mention...vaccuuming. I go right up to Aria with the vaccuum when I am vaccuuming. It doesn't even phase her! Her dad has removed any form of fear from this girl (are you surprised ;-)

Anonymous said...

YAY for paragraphs.

Colton was singing at church this week, it was GREAT! haha

I'm so glad you're blogging now!