Monday, May 5, 2008

Birthday is around the corner!

i've been meaning to make one of these for some time now, and i finally did! sorry it took me so long... let's just do real quick update, since i have 3 kids waking up from their naps right now... Diella's birthday is coming up in about 5 weeks, and we cant wait! She is so not my little baby, she's my big girl! She's growing up so fast and is so much fun! She's been walking for 2 months already! And she says Hi all the time! My favorite thing is when I go to her crib once she's woken up and she just gives me the hugest smile, and her face just lights up, and then i get the biggest hug & kiss! This girl is what makes every day worth waking up! I will add more soon, including pictures!


miamore said...

Yay! I'm your 1st comment ;-) I can't wait to read more ;-)

I couldn't agree more - these girls are what make waking up every day something to look forward to! I miss her when she sleeps ;-)

SixSticks said...

YAY, its about dang time!!!