Diella used the word "absolutely" the other day! haha! I know she hears me say it often, but to hear her use words like this, and use them correctly, just never ceases to amaze me!
Our new favorite movie is Tangled. We watch it a Lot! She doesn't anymore, but I remember after the first few times, she was saying her name, Mrs. Punzel. Haha! I dunno where she got that???
Oh, and the black eye from the pictures. Ethan threw a remote at her. Nice, huh?
The other day she told me she was thirsty, so she went to the fridge to get something to drink, but when I caught up with her, she had just put the VINEGAR back in the fridge!!! With wide eyes, I said, "what is that??" she told me she drank it. I stuttered, and could hardly compose myself as I was trying to ask her if she was alright. Not that I thought it would hurt her, it just seemed as though she wasn't even phased by it! She said, "its not water." I laughed of course, and gave her some water to drink, but it just struck me really funny that she noticed it wasn't water, but didn't really act all that bothered by it! HA!
She is so OCD, haha! She does like to have things organized, which is great, and I'm not complaining! But we've noticed it in other things, like when its time for nap or bedtime, she likes her blankets to go a certain way. One of them has a hole in it, and that end of it has to be by her feet, not by her face. And her other blanket is colorful on one side, and solid purple on the other. Well THAT blanket has to have the colorful side UP, when she gets covered up. Yea. haha, we'll pray this doesn't develop TOO much!
There was a commercial on the other day, with Larry the Cable Guy. Diella says, "hey, that sounds like Mater!" HAHA!! THATS My girl!!!
We were driving home from Cook Forest, and we were passing lots of places with horses. We passed one, and Diella asked how many there were. I told her three. We passed more, she asked again, and I told her there were four. She said, "we passed 7 horses!" My mouth dropped open, and I said HOW Do you KNOW that??? Hahaha!
We were playing outside this week, in the front yard, each kid had a big bouncy ball. I told the kids, "if a ball goes in the road, Don't get it. Mommy will get it for you." Diella said to me, "well don't get mushed, because then we might hafta find a new mommy." Haha!
The other day I was drinking orange juice, and Diella says to me, "mommy, you cant drink orange juice! That might make orange juice come out of your boobies, and Sayda doesn't like orange juice yet." BWAA HAAHAA!!!
The other day she told me she was thirsty, so she went to the fridge to get something to drink, but when I caught up with her, she had just put the VINEGAR back in the fridge!!! With wide eyes, I said, "what is that??" she told me she drank it. I stuttered, and could hardly compose myself as I was trying to ask her if she was alright. Not that I thought it would hurt her, it just seemed as though she wasn't even phased by it! She said, "its not water." I laughed of course, and gave her some water to drink, but it just struck me really funny that she noticed it wasn't water, but didn't really act all that bothered by it! HA!
She is so OCD, haha! She does like to have things organized, which is great, and I'm not complaining! But we've noticed it in other things, like when its time for nap or bedtime, she likes her blankets to go a certain way. One of them has a hole in it, and that end of it has to be by her feet, not by her face. And her other blanket is colorful on one side, and solid purple on the other. Well THAT blanket has to have the colorful side UP, when she gets covered up. Yea. haha, we'll pray this doesn't develop TOO much!
There was a commercial on the other day, with Larry the Cable Guy. Diella says, "hey, that sounds like Mater!" HAHA!! THATS My girl!!!
We were driving home from Cook Forest, and we were passing lots of places with horses. We passed one, and Diella asked how many there were. I told her three. We passed more, she asked again, and I told her there were four. She said, "we passed 7 horses!" My mouth dropped open, and I said HOW Do you KNOW that??? Hahaha!
We were playing outside this week, in the front yard, each kid had a big bouncy ball. I told the kids, "if a ball goes in the road, Don't get it. Mommy will get it for you." Diella said to me, "well don't get mushed, because then we might hafta find a new mommy." Haha!
The other day I was drinking orange juice, and Diella says to me, "mommy, you cant drink orange juice! That might make orange juice come out of your boobies, and Sayda doesn't like orange juice yet." BWAA HAAHAA!!!