Its been WAY too long since I've blogged! Diella's imagination and vocabulary are just expanding so much! One day I walked into her room, and she was frustrated. I asked her what was wrong and she said, "I'm trying to make the walls into ballerinas, but I dunno how."
Once in the car she preceded a song with this introduction, "This is a song about when I was a little baby." … but I really don't recall the song having anything to do with that, haha! This same car ride, we were asking her to sing another song and she said, "I'm not gonna sing incase you give me money." I think she meant 'unless' not incase, but it was still funny!
One day while playing dress up, Diella suddenly exclaims, "This is So Glamorous!" it cracked me up! I thought where did she learn that word!?!? … she later told me she heard it on Nemo, and then next time we watched it, sure enough, I heard Dori say it!
She once said she wants to have ten kids when she grows up. Uh, wow.
One of my other favorite things that she's said is, "I know i'm 3, but I'm still a little kid."
Once morning she came to me and said with a bit of desperation, "I had a gerbil dream!" I realized later that she meant terrible, she had a terrible dream. Aww. Luckily, she didn't remember what her dream was about.
Some of the best things to hear as a parent just stay with you forever. Once she said to me, "You make my heart feel so happy!" What more could a momma ask for??
The kids & I love to joke around with each other! One day I said, "Diella, can I bite your butt?" she said "No…… but you can bite my ear." That cracked me up!
Awwww, the day we were having Ethan's birthday party, I went in to wake up Diella from her nap. She had a whole bunch of little hair clips in her hair, that she apparently did herself before she fell asleep. I started to take them out, not that I was mad or anything at all, but just cuz that could not have been comfortable! And she broke my heart when she sadly said, "I wanted to make it pretty for the party, but I couldnt do it." AWW!!
We've talked a lot about what things are healthy to eat and good for your body, and what is not. The kids eat a very large and very healthy lunch every single day. When I got all the things laid out on her plate, mostly fruits & veggies, but also a small leftover slice of pizza, she said, "I don't want my pizza, i only want to eat the healthy things." .... Nice!
Once when Diella was on the potty, she said "I wish I had a big butt." Trying not to giggle, I said, "you do?" She replied, "yea, cuz you're big, and you have a big butt. When am I gonna be like that?" I love that she wants to be like me! Even if that means her wanting a butt like mine, HAHA!
One day she comes up from the basement and says, "this squirted ALL over the place, but don't worry, I licked it all up." ….. um, wow, my mind went in so many places! Turns out it was yogurt, and there really wasn't much of a mess at all, but it was pretty funny!
I love how kids' minds work! How they may have the right concept about things, but the reality is so much different. Like how Diella was trying to reach the balloon that was on the ceiling, and of course she couldn't. So she stepped up onto a folded towel to get herself higher. HA!
Diella loves to play Super Mario on N64. When you first turn on the game, Mario comes on and says, "Its ME! Mario!" only he says it with an Italian accent. So Diella will ask, "can I play Madio?" She thinks his name is Madio, hehehee. I finally corrected her, and she said, "oh! Mario! I thought his name was Madio." heeehee.
I asked Diella what she wanted to be when she grew up, very interested of what her answer would be. She replied, "a collector." Haha, oh my! I said, "what's that?" And she said, "when something gets all messy, you collect it." Haha! …O…… K!
ok, so the other night, my mom told me a story about what Diella did while she was watching the kids. They were playing the Veggie Tales Silly Songs DVD, and they were all dancing! Then Diella froze, smiled, tooted once, tooted twice, and continued to dance. My mom cracked up, and Diella stopped again, and said with a smile, "thats called tooting while you dance." HAHHAAA!!
So today, Diella and I were in the car, out on our date, playin games & singing songs, and after a minute of silence, she says, "I wish daddy didn't say no….. and I wish you didn't say no, and I wish Ethan didn't say no." So I then went into the big schpeel about why we have to say no sometimes, and how its because its the best thing for us, and even gave an example from an episode of Sid the Science Kid, and so on… and she said, "do you say no to yourself?" And I replied, "yea, actually I do." and she came back with, "you cant talk to yourself, cuz you don't have two mouths." HAHAHAAAA!!!!
And the Best news of all…. After about 2 and half years of Miss Diva and her attitude, we are seeing her sweet side to be the most prominent now! I would say she is officially done with Terrible Three's! She still has her minor outbursts, but overall, she has become SO well-behaved!!! Its SO incredibly refreshing to have her obey so often, and to see her want to do nice things for her siblings and for me, with such enthusiasm! We've always known how much repetition it takes with discipline for Diella, and now to see that its paying off is Such a great reward!