Diella was Dora for Halloween! and she LOVED it!!!
"Kids say the darndest things" right? Well this could not be more true about our little first born! One day during lunch, she asked me something (I don't remember what), and I replied, "I cant now honey, I'm makin lunch".. and she says (for who knows what reason), "with your hands or with your butt?"
Another very random, I-have-no-clue-why or where it came from- thing she said was, "my heart cant stay in my chest. I don't want it to stay in there." Yea… no clue?
She asked one day while we were driving, "how do cars move?" What a cool question for a 3 year old! And of course, that was a fun one to try to explain, hehe.
One night she was getting her jammies on, and she was doing some of it, and I was helping with some of it. Now, she's been dressing herself for well over a year now, but I was just throwing out some necessary Words of Affirmation for her and I said, "you're such a good dresser." and she replied, "you're such a good jammier." (not that I'm good at putting jammies on myself, but I think cuz I was helping her with her jammies)… and I just thought that was so great, that she returned the compliment!
One of my Favorite things I've heard her say recently was during one of the tv shows she watches. She said, "I wish I could jump into the TV and dance." Awesome!!! How I wish she could do it too!
She says some clever things as she interacts with her brother as well. Like the other days she said, "Ethan, that's fake crying, stop it." haha , oh my! He really was just whining too, it wasn't a real cry. Though it wasn't the nicest thing for her to say, it WAS pretty funny. Also she said last night, as we were all playing as a family, "Ethan, you're cracking me up!" I laughed so hard!!!
She often tries to correct Ethan. She wants to be the boss, and be in charge, and have things her way. We've been working hard with her to teach her that she's not the boss, and when its ok to talk a certain way and when its not… but last night, this was sort of amazing. Ethan had just gotten a little spankin on the butt for touching the computer after he had been told twice, not to. So a moment later, he's sitting in the rocking chair, and Diella pulls up another chair in front of that one and began to have a talk with him about why he got in trouble. (this is how we handle things with her, generally… sit down, and half a talk about it.)… and she explains to him "you're not supposed to touch the computer, thats why you got a spankin, ok?" Her voice was so calm and compassionate. Even though it wasn't her job to "parent" him, it seemed as though she was helping, and it was adorable as jake and i watched her try to make Ethan understand the situation. It made me feel as though she's definitely learning the things I tell her.
Speaking of talking through things…. another thing we do (when she's in trouble from doing something she had repeatedly been warned not to do), is sometimes she gets sent to her room. And if when we go to talk about it, she cant remember why she's in trouble, then we have her sit and think about what she's done. So one day, she was on her bed, "thinking about things," and as I walked into her room, I heard her praying! The prayer didn't make a whole lot of sense really, but I could hear her heart… she was praying about what she did wrong! It was amazing!
We were watching Evan Almighty today, and God's name is mentioned throughout the movie. Diella says to me, "God's our man, not theirs." … of course I said to her, "He's everyone's." …and even though I didn't like the fact that it sounded like she wasn't willing to "share God," I still thought it was adorable!
After I wake up Ethan from nap, sometimes he and I will go in together to wake up Diella as well. Sometimes he'll gently stroke her back or her hair, its the cutest thing EVER! And one day he didn't, and Diella said to him, "Ethan, pet me." HAHA!
I've said it before, how Diella sings EVERYTHING! One day she was even singing her "I Love You's" to me! If that's not enough to fill my love tank for a whole month, then I dunno what is!
She also will make up her own random words to the tunes of songs she already knows! I think this is the COOLEST thing! She'll just sing about whatever she's doing, and put it to a tune she knows! Like, as she's getting dressed, she'll sing, "if you're happy and you know it, get dressed!" Another random time in the car she was singing different phrases in this same song, "if you're happy and you know it"… and would add, for example, "take a bath." So then I helped a little, and began to sing, "if you're dirty and you know it, take a bath." She LOVED this! So we played around with a few different scenarios, and made it into a song! That was fun!
One episode of Dora, they were doing riddles. Well Diella and I like to give them to each other now. Simple ones of course, "what has floppy ears, and says woof woof?" etc…. and she will give them to me as well… but its so adorable, cuz you can see how she chooses things that she's looking at right at that moment. Like when we were taking a walk this morning, she wanted to do riddles… so she'd say, "whats green, and has leaves on it, and you're walking?" - grass. haha! Cute!
Diella often gives names to things. Like the duck & the chipmunk rides at Whitford park are Cootie & Cona, they always have been. I just think its interesting how she Makes Up the names, and doesn't really give them ACTUAL names (like ya know, names she already knows, like her friends Anthony or Cecily or Sophia, etc.). Well the names I've heard her make up recently are so strange! One is Huthe. And then she also had these 3 birds, named Thuck, Theek, and Thoke. HAHAHA!!!
Once in a while, Diella will say she's having a baby in her belly, but then she'll quickly reassure me, "but only for pretend." hehehe
So one day after watching Sid the Science Kid, I wanted to see if she really learned anything from that episode, cuz I really liked it. It was about eating from all the food groups, and why we cant have birthday cake for every meal, etc. So I casually asked her "what did you learn about on Sid the Science Kid today?" she said, "birthday cake." I said, "yup, and what did they say about it? not to…… " Diella replied, "only eat a little." and I said, "thats right! and how come?" … and Diella said to me, "cuz you always get pregnant." OH MY! I laughed so hard!!! I think maybe she was relating that to getting fat? I dunno! But that was the most hilarious thing!