In these pictures… kids were into this whole holding hands phase… it was classic!!! … the picture with her wearing my sunglasses, I just thought was great! My little Diva! … and the one of her pointing to the ground, they were water marks, she said, “mom! A whale and Mickey Mouse!” LOOK at the spots! How great is her imagination!!!???
Some funny things Diella has said… we were in the car, driving home, Ethan was half asleep. Diella said “Ethan’s chillin.” Haha! … I have these pair of pajama pants that have a little hole in the back. Diella said, “you have a hole in your pants, fix it with a circle sticker.” LOL, how cool that she had her own way to fix it, heheh
She was eating fries at a restaurant we were at, and there were little packets of ketchup on a plate. We’d jus hand her one at a time, and she finally said, “Can I just have the whole plate?” lol! …I don’t remember why she said this one, but she goes, “Ethan’s in trouble, lets fly in the sky and save him!” … she likes to go into Ethan’s room when he wakes up in the morning or from his nap, and once he was whining a bit, she comforted her little brother, “don’t worry Ethan, mommy’s coming. Five minutes” Awww!
we brought our dog back from Virginia, and the kids have loved it! Her name is Blue. The other day Diella was bent down petting her on the head & she said, “you have beautiful eyes, Blue.” Aww! … lately she says all the time “alrighty” that makes me giggle. She also often says “nevermind.” It started one day when she said it for the first time & it made me laugh. So now she says it a lot, just to make me laugh. Like, “hey mom….. (long pause) nevermind.” Ha!
We were listening to the oldie, “Candy Girl” suga, oh honey honey, ya know? And Diella goes, “Hey, they’re talking about us!” haha …And one of the funniest thing she says… she says everyday. When she goes into Ethan’s room after his nap, she’ll call to me, “moooooom, we have a boy in heeeere.’” HAHA! It cracks me up! I told Jake about it, and he says when he goes in to get Ethan, he says “do we have a boy in here?” so Diella picked it up from that, funny girl!
One thing she says a lot lately that kind of makes me sad… whether we’re walkin through the store, or if she sees a commercial for a toy on tv or something, she often says “I wish I had that.” Now she doesn’t say it rude or demanding at all, very innocent actually. But I wonder where she picked that up? Did she hear someone say it, or does she really have that much WANT inside her heart? I think its ok for now, and I don’t really reply with a ‘no you cant’ or a ‘yes you can’ or anything, I jus kind of smile. But maybe this will cease?
I don’t think I’ve blogged it yet, but for at least a few months now, (definitely before she turned 3), Diella knows her address!!! Woo! “where do you live, Diella?” – “2513 Bird Drive.” Go girl! … she also recently has been consistently spelling her name correctly on command! These are great milestones in her life! Spelling name & knowing address!!!
She’s also getting good at learning the SOUNDS of letters! There are still a few harder ones that she hasn’t quite mastered, like G, H, Q, W, etc. But she loves when she gets em right!
She also is becoming quite the little artist! The other day she said she was gonna draw a face, and I watched in awe as she made the nearly perfect circle, then put the eyes, nose, and mouth all in relatively the rights spots! (I think Ahna works with her on this a little bit). Then only a few days later, she’s been adding hair, and ears I think… and even cheeks! (like dots where dimples would be, kinda). Its awesome! Oh, and we got these crayons you can color on the shower walls with, and Diella drew one big sideways oval, and then a smaller one on the side, touching it, and said “a turtle!” It was SO a turtle! Then one day she was jus doodling (but not really scribbling) and she drew a line up and down, with a horizontal like on top & bottom, and said “its an I!” It Was!!!
One day she was playing with this sheet of stickers before her nap, she was putting them on this folder I gave her. Then later, when I went in to get her up from nap, I saw that both her legs were covered in stickers! Ha! Why did I NOT grab the camera for that one???
Mia was telling me how Matthew says that Diella is very athletic. I don’t know why I never noticed it before… I mean, she was running by 14 months old, and she was jumping with 2 feet I THINK by 15 months? Maybe 18? … but anyway… I’ve finally been noticing how true that really is! Diella doest really like to ride IN the cart at the store anymore, she’d rather walk. Sometimes if she wants to hang on while I’m pushing, I tell her she has to do it in the front of the cart, where I am, so I don’t run over her. So she did that, then after a while I asked her to just walk some more. So she was walking by me, then as I’m pushing the cart, so IN motion, she runs & jumps and grabs ONTO the cart while its moving! One of those things where I probly should’ve told her that wasn’t a very smart idea, but it was pretty amazing to me! So now any time she does things like that, I always wanna call up Uncle Matt & make him proud!
And the best story of all… Diella & I say our prayers together every night before bed. I say a line, she repeats it, pretty much the same prayer every night, but always with a few changes, according to whats currently going on in our lives, or that day… but one day she said she wanted to pray (like without my help, so of course I was all for that, go ahead!)… and after the first few routine things we always mention, she then prayed, “and I pray for all the things, and for everyone, and thank you for Jesus, amen.” !!!!
Some funny things Diella has said… we were in the car, driving home, Ethan was half asleep. Diella said “Ethan’s chillin.” Haha! … I have these pair of pajama pants that have a little hole in the back. Diella said, “you have a hole in your pants, fix it with a circle sticker.” LOL, how cool that she had her own way to fix it, heheh
She was eating fries at a restaurant we were at, and there were little packets of ketchup on a plate. We’d jus hand her one at a time, and she finally said, “Can I just have the whole plate?” lol! …I don’t remember why she said this one, but she goes, “Ethan’s in trouble, lets fly in the sky and save him!” … she likes to go into Ethan’s room when he wakes up in the morning or from his nap, and once he was whining a bit, she comforted her little brother, “don’t worry Ethan, mommy’s coming. Five minutes” Awww!
we brought our dog back from Virginia, and the kids have loved it! Her name is Blue. The other day Diella was bent down petting her on the head & she said, “you have beautiful eyes, Blue.” Aww! … lately she says all the time “alrighty” that makes me giggle. She also often says “nevermind.” It started one day when she said it for the first time & it made me laugh. So now she says it a lot, just to make me laugh. Like, “hey mom….. (long pause) nevermind.” Ha!
We were listening to the oldie, “Candy Girl” suga, oh honey honey, ya know? And Diella goes, “Hey, they’re talking about us!” haha …And one of the funniest thing she says… she says everyday. When she goes into Ethan’s room after his nap, she’ll call to me, “moooooom, we have a boy in heeeere.’” HAHA! It cracks me up! I told Jake about it, and he says when he goes in to get Ethan, he says “do we have a boy in here?” so Diella picked it up from that, funny girl!
One thing she says a lot lately that kind of makes me sad… whether we’re walkin through the store, or if she sees a commercial for a toy on tv or something, she often says “I wish I had that.” Now she doesn’t say it rude or demanding at all, very innocent actually. But I wonder where she picked that up? Did she hear someone say it, or does she really have that much WANT inside her heart? I think its ok for now, and I don’t really reply with a ‘no you cant’ or a ‘yes you can’ or anything, I jus kind of smile. But maybe this will cease?
I don’t think I’ve blogged it yet, but for at least a few months now, (definitely before she turned 3), Diella knows her address!!! Woo! “where do you live, Diella?” – “2513 Bird Drive.” Go girl! … she also recently has been consistently spelling her name correctly on command! These are great milestones in her life! Spelling name & knowing address!!!
She’s also getting good at learning the SOUNDS of letters! There are still a few harder ones that she hasn’t quite mastered, like G, H, Q, W, etc. But she loves when she gets em right!
She also is becoming quite the little artist! The other day she said she was gonna draw a face, and I watched in awe as she made the nearly perfect circle, then put the eyes, nose, and mouth all in relatively the rights spots! (I think Ahna works with her on this a little bit). Then only a few days later, she’s been adding hair, and ears I think… and even cheeks! (like dots where dimples would be, kinda). Its awesome! Oh, and we got these crayons you can color on the shower walls with, and Diella drew one big sideways oval, and then a smaller one on the side, touching it, and said “a turtle!” It was SO a turtle! Then one day she was jus doodling (but not really scribbling) and she drew a line up and down, with a horizontal like on top & bottom, and said “its an I!” It Was!!!
One day she was playing with this sheet of stickers before her nap, she was putting them on this folder I gave her. Then later, when I went in to get her up from nap, I saw that both her legs were covered in stickers! Ha! Why did I NOT grab the camera for that one???
Mia was telling me how Matthew says that Diella is very athletic. I don’t know why I never noticed it before… I mean, she was running by 14 months old, and she was jumping with 2 feet I THINK by 15 months? Maybe 18? … but anyway… I’ve finally been noticing how true that really is! Diella doest really like to ride IN the cart at the store anymore, she’d rather walk. Sometimes if she wants to hang on while I’m pushing, I tell her she has to do it in the front of the cart, where I am, so I don’t run over her. So she did that, then after a while I asked her to just walk some more. So she was walking by me, then as I’m pushing the cart, so IN motion, she runs & jumps and grabs ONTO the cart while its moving! One of those things where I probly should’ve told her that wasn’t a very smart idea, but it was pretty amazing to me! So now any time she does things like that, I always wanna call up Uncle Matt & make him proud!
And the best story of all… Diella & I say our prayers together every night before bed. I say a line, she repeats it, pretty much the same prayer every night, but always with a few changes, according to whats currently going on in our lives, or that day… but one day she said she wanted to pray (like without my help, so of course I was all for that, go ahead!)… and after the first few routine things we always mention, she then prayed, “and I pray for all the things, and for everyone, and thank you for Jesus, amen.” !!!!
In the videos- 1. Diella singing the theme from Wonder Pets, its my favorite thing she sings!
2. a commercial jingle you should recognize!
3. singin & playin guitar!
4. hilarious sound she came up with, neither daddy nor I can even do it!