Here is an random, but entertaining story Diella told me one day in the car. “Do you member when I was a bigger girl in the city? do you know what my name was? Aria. And the other Aria turned into me. And I saw a barn. And do you know who was there? Uncle Matt & Aunt Mia. yea, they were. And I saw a big giant, and I was afraid of him, it was uncle matt, the giant.” There was more to it that I don’t remember. But I just love her imagination!
This wouldn’t have been TOO long of a blog if it hadn’t been for this next story…
Last night, Diella had a brush burn on her knee. She was in the bath, and it stung a little. She slowly escalated to freak out mode, not wanting me to wash it, or dry it, or touch it, and she made it clear she did NOT want medicine & a bandaid on it. I was so proud of myself for how calm I remained as I tried to explain that I could make it all better and that she just needed to TRUST mommy, and believe that I could help her. It was pushing maybe 15 minutes of me trying to convince her. I had to fight my anger So badly, cuz I was getting very frustrated inside. So daddy came up to help for a bit, and for some reason she takes his word for it (and not mine, sniff*), so we were able to finish the bath. Then when we were getting dressed, we went through the entire cycle all over again with the bandaid… her freaking out, me calmly explaining that I can help & that it wont hurt, etc. I also kept telling her, “please cooperate, I don’t want to get mad, I’m just trying to help” and also reminding her, “you need to trust mommy.” So after ANOTHER ten minutes probly, unfortunately, I lost my temper. Then my hormones set in. I’m cryin, Jake comes up again, I dismiss myself to the next room, and I’m BAWLING. I go back in to again calmly explain things to Diella with daddy… and she sees how upset I am… I cant stop sobbing, I’m crying through my words (all hormones… I cant control it, lol)… Diella apologizes, I further explain how I need her to believe mommy when she says she’s helping… and she apologizes again & hugs & kisses all over me, and offers me a blanket & wraps it around my back, aw!… so then daddy says, “I have a good idea, I’m gonna go downstairs and fix all of us some milk & cookies, lets give mommy a minute… I’m about to cry too.” So he scoops up Ethan, and heads down & says C’mon Diella. So she walks out the door, and comes right back in and says, “remember, I’m really sorry.” I of course smile through my tears & tell her its alright & that I forgive her. So this is of course making me cry more, lol. So she walks out, and immediately comes back in and says “lemmie give you another hug & a kiss.” She does that, then gives me “a friend” too (this is what we call her stuffed animals). I can see that she’s fighting back tears. We hug… she goes to walk out of the room, comes back in & again says, “remember, I’m really sorry.” She did this quite a few times… it was like she REALLY wanted me to understand how bad she felt. I could really feel her sincerity, and I’m smiling & crying more, ah! It was quite a night of emotion! And now she’s learning to TRUST mommy!
Well, Little Miss Personality has said some hilarious things, and some well, funny but full-of-attitude things. Like one day she & Ethan were playing in my room, and I don’t remember what happened, but apparently Diella thought it wasn’t fair or something, because she (please imagine this as I describe it) stared at me, dropped the book she had in her hand, and also dropped open her mouth, and in monotone, said “I don’t believe this.” Very Hollywood, it was.
This same day, she said something to Ethan that was Not cool. Well, he’s learned a bit of attitude from his Drama Queen sister. And he did the “EH!” sound & stomped his foot (thanks Diella for teaching him that)… and she says to him, “Don’t stomp your feet! That’s what I do!” …. Oh my!!!
One more snooty thing she said, I’ll share, and then I’ll get onto the sweet things that have come out of her mouth lately, hehe. Yesterday I was braiding her hair, and she did say something snooty, but it wasn’t really in a mean tone. It was just as though she was informing me. She said “every time you pull my hair, I freak out.” LOL! And then she also said, “if you do it again, I’ll get cranky.” And again, it wasn’t said in a mean way… so it did strike me as pretty funny.
The other day, she replied to my question (whatever that was), “Yes indeed!” I thought that was adorable! … she has also asked, when appropriate, “do you forgive me?” which I think is So sweet!
When we take a walk around our block, here on Bird Drive, there’s this big dark tree we pass. One day she says “that’s a chocolate tree!” (I think that was on Dora once). And now she says it every time we pass it, “the chocolate tree!”
Once she was watching her favorite YouTube clip, ‘the Princess and the Elephant’ with Elmo & Natalie Portman. To watch it over again, once it stops, you just press the space bar. And I think you can do the same for pausing & unpausing it. Well one day as she was watching, she calls me, “mommy!” I came over to answer her call. She paused it and said, “I love you.” I giggled and said I love you too. Then she unpaused it. And then paused it again, turned to me and said, “I really love you.” Then unpaused it, and went about her way. Lol, that was great!!!
You know Diella dresses herself every morning, choosing her own outfits from her bottom drawer. Well one day when she got dressed, she also brought out a shirt & pants of Ethan’s for him to wear. I thought that was the sweetest thing! And whether or not it matched, and whether or not that’s what I wanted him to wear that day, that’s what I put on him!
I’ve blogged before how she memorized that one page to her strawberry book, verbatim, and recited it to me one day when we had that book out. Well since then, as we’ve read that book together, she is now memorizing pretty much the first line on every page, and then sorta repeats the same last 3 lines after that. But she looks at whats on the page, and remembered the rhyme that goes with it, and so almost has the whole book memorized!
Lately Diella asks me when we’re driving, to put on music in the car. I think that’s cool. She’ll also ask me to turn it up or down, and to go past a song if she doesn’t like it, lol. She also likes to hold Ethan’s hand! They did it on our walk the other day too! They both love to hold hands! …. Sometimes. Hehe.
A little while back, I showed Diella how to do the sign for I Love You (not 3 separate signs for “I” and “love” and “you”), but I Love You on one hand- thumb, pointer finger, and pinky finger up, the other two fingers down. She tried to do it, but couldn’t. Then a few days later, she suddenly goes, “mom! I can do it!” and I went to her, and she WAS doing it! Its so cute! Then a friend of ours had on a shirt the other day with a hand making that sign on it. We were all casually sitting around, and I watched the little light above Diella’s head go on! She goes, “mom! That means I love you!” it was cool!
I’ve also blogged before how she sings everything! She’s made up her own words to melodies of songs. And now she pretty much just sings her thoughts, like when she’s playing alone… she’ll sing every song she knows, and even make up a song from whatever is on her mind! Like…. Hm… if we’re going somewhere, she’ll sing about it, or she’ll sing about who’s coming over, or what she’s had to eat, anything she can think of!
Diella knows how to say Happy Birthday, in Spanish, with perfect pronunciation! She got a singing Dora card for her birthday that sings it, “Feliz Cumpleanos!” and we had to practice it a few times, but she says it wonderfully!
Which reminds me, I haven’t blogged since before her birthday! Well it was great! She had friends over, we all ate and went on the swings a little. We got her a sprinkler, but no one played in it… sad. She opened her presents & everyone played with em! Like the bubble wand, some dress up clothes, a puzzle, and the bakery set from Grandad & Mamaw! She did great singing Happy Birthday, blowing out the candles, and of course eating the cake! Oh and she stopped everyone to pray over the meal! My little angel!
And the biggest news! We got Diella ready, shortly before her birthday, that we were gonna try to stop wearing pull ups at night. The first night it worked! The second, third, and fourth nights, she woke up wet. We tried a few different things like waking her in the middle of the night to pee, tried waking her just a few minutes before she usually wakes up in the morning to pee, those all had varying results. We’ve always taken her pee RIGHT before bed, but for some reason now its working really well! We just make sure we concentrate on getting it ALL out before we’re done. She’s now been dry 6 mornings in a row, with no pull ups! Woo Hoo!