Playin dress up in the pics! Sorry, its been so long. I’ve got a million little stories that I jot down. I’ll try to do short version of each, then after this, I swear, I’ll try to do like one short blog, once a week!
I was cutting onions the other day, preparing for dinner. She asked for a bite, so I let her try… she likes em! Ah! She said “Mmm!” and even asked for another one! (lil tiny bites, but still)… and funny thing is, she wont eat cooked onions, ha!
All the time now, when Diella asks a question, and then you answer, she goes “Oooooh” hehe, its funny every time.
She’s starting to use different tenses of words and different usages of words correctly, like “I am” and “I do” and “I can” … and “where is IT?” and “where are THEY?” I think its so neat, that she catches on & corrects herself for these things!
Some things she says a lot lately… “where ya goin?” or “Wha happened?”… when we talk about something she’d like to do, she always goes “that’d be fun!” ... I LOVE that one!... oh, she says “Some’m” (ya know, how adults condense the word Something…. Like that). Hehe
She has been making Ethan laugh lately, I LOVE to watch that! Usually she spins in circles, then laughs, and that makes him laugh. These are such priceless moments!
Whenever I’m on the phone, be it at the house or on my cell in the car, whenever I say bye & hang up, Diella will say something about whoever I was talking to. Like I’m on the phone with Jake & she’ll say “where’s daddy at?” … how does she know I’m talking to him!!?? It’s so weird, and its like every time, she gets it right! Spooky.
Oh another weird thing, the other day we were driving on the highway, and Diella goes “turn left” …. My mouth dropped open & I asked her Did you jus say turn left!!?? She smiled & nodded… I still wasn’t sure if that’s really what she meant to say or not… but then she goes “Right and left” !!! When did she learn those words!? Musta been TV or something. Crazy!
One day, like after a bath or something, she comes runnin out & says “momma look! I’m naked!” … I dunno why this was so funny, but it was!
I saw her by herself one day, touching her toes goin “this lil piggy all way home” … hehe, aw! I think her daddy played the ‘this little piggy’ game with her on her toes, cute!
She’s been trying harder & harder to get her own clothes on & off. She DID get a tank top on 100% by herself the other day! (well, it was backwards, but that’s one’a those things you don’t correct, cuz it was by herself!) And sometimes she can get her own shirt off. We’ve been working on pulling her own pants down to sit on the potty, its hard for her, but we’re getting there. And then the other day I handed her her ‘big girl panties’ to put on by herself, and when I came back in the room, she had em all the way up! Lol, only two legs in one hole, all the way up to her waist, it was hilarious!
Certain words that she mispronounces, mostly ones that start with an F or an S, I will help her sound them out better, and she usually can get it when she tries…. She says swimmin, like Fimmin…. I said, ‘no Diella, with an S… Sssswimmin” … she goes, “Ssss fimmin!” hehe… and then one day I don’t remember what the word was, but I know it started with a C sound, some simple word… and she was saying it wrong, so I corrected her & tried to help her through it, and she totally made it harder than it was (lets say the word was carrot, cuz I don’t member) … she goes “Ssss, fffff, carrot!” haha! She can say C words, I dunno why she had trouble with this one… but I thought it was funny that she added and S & an F, outta nowhere!
She asked Ahna what this one fruit was, it was a nectarine, and she said it like “Macarene”, ha! So cute!... oh, and she has always called Aunt Alethea, just “Aunt” cuz its easier… well we finally tried to teach her to say Aunt Alethea, and she does it like “Aunt Alethela” (uh-lee-th-la)… love it!
Sometimes I hate how she catches on to things that I say… like when she’s in trouble… cuz sometimes she’ll say those things to me! Like she has said “Say no! Spanka butt!” (which is “don’t say no” and “I’ll spank your butt”) sigh*
Ok, a story like that one when Aria was told that the rules are different, so she took that how She Wanted to take it! … Colton was over, I think playing with her rocket, and I think one of them had just gotten over bein sick. And Diella was walkin around, eatin something, and she goes to give some to Colton, and Ahna goes “no, don’t share with Colton!” … and so she takes the rocket away from him… haha!
Diella sings SO many songs now!!! Her favorite I think is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star… cuz if she’s not singin the actual words to it, then she’s either humming it, or singing like little ‘doot doots’ to it!... oh, and its Tinkle, not twinkle, hehe. The other ones she does are Old MacDonald, Itsy Bitsy Spider, ABCs of course, Patty Cake, Head Shoulders Knees & Toes, Veggie Tales theme…. And my favorite… she mixed two songs together and sings it like this… “and on that farm he had a dog, and Bingo was his name-o” lol… love it!!! Oh, and Itsy Bitsy Spider goes like this… “bitsy bitsy pider, washa pida wout” over & over…. Oh I Love it, love it, love it!!
K, a few other things with her lil brother… he was sleeping in my arms & I took out my phone, scrolled to a pic of Diella as a baby, sleeping… and held it up to him… oh my gosh, TWINS! … since then I’ve showed the picture to mom, dad, alethea, whoever, and ask them who the pic is, they all say Ethan…. But it’s D! …. She loves him… the other day she was wearing Ahna’s high heels, and she came in the room & goes “Ethan, look, I’m cool” LOL!!! … sometimes when he’s talkin to the tv, she goes “good talkin Ethan!” aww, cute!.... oh, and … oh geez, she hasn’t done this in a while, but a few weeks ago, she would take Ethan’s binkies and put em in her mouth. At first it was like a “haha-this-is-funny-cuz-I-know-I’m-not-supposed-to-do-this” thing… cuz ya know, I’d take it out & tell her those were not for big girls, they are for babies… Then it got the point where when I would take it, she’d whine & say “my binkies!” … sigh* luckily, she’s stopped doing that now. Whew!
One thing she does that drives me bonkers…. When she’s doin one thing, but tryin to get my attention at the same time… she softly, but repeatedly goes “ma, ma, ma, ma, ma” … like stuttering almost, and its like she’s saying my name to pay attention, but she’s not ready to show or tell me whatever it is she’s trying to communicate… and I’m like “what!?” hehe, cuz I’ve been ready & attentive, and she’s still distracted, goin ‘ma, ma, ma, ma, ma”… lol
Last week she asked to get in the shower while I was taking one, every once in a while I let her do this if she asks… and so she asked me if she could see the soap (the bar of soap), so I hand it to her & continue washing my hair… after a minute or two, I hear a scream unlike any other I’ve ever heard… she somehow got the soap in her eyes… then as I’m trying to rinse her eyes, her lil hands are all lathered in it too, and as I turn to get more clean water, she rubs her eyes & makes it worse… aww, it was so sad. But of course she was ok.
Diella loves to pick up any toy phone & have little conversations with people! Sometimes it’s Uncle Chris, sometimes it’s Emily, sometimes it’s Uncle Nate, different people. And she’ll just say little things like “hi, yea, oh, ok bye” things like that… but the conversation she had with her cousin Aria today, was priceless! She calls and says “Hi Aria! Wha chu doin? Cleanin up Diella’s room? Ok, I’ll be right there!” HAHAHAHA!!! That. Was. Awesome!
This girl picks up stuff from tv, without help, all the time, its crazy! Like, during Dora, she’s starting to answer the questions they ask… like they name 3 places, and then they say the first two & ask which is the third one, and she’ll answer them! Cool!... and we watch Full House every day during lunch, and one day it was on, and she goes “look mommy! There’s Uncle Jesse, and Michelle, and Joey!” oh my gosh, hilarious! She knows all their names, ha!!
One day she just started naming things, talking to herself…. Like… “a boat, aaaaand a chair, aaaaand a doggy, aaaaand a tree…” and the list went on and on, hehe! … and then the other day, she was watching me eat lunch, and jus named everything I was eating, one by one… hehe, maybe she’ll be a list-maker like her mommy!
I’ve been tryin to teach Diella that sometimes, when the answer is No, you just say “yes ma’am” … well she says it, but is usually crying by that time, cuz we’ve already sad no & then reminded her, what do you say when the answer is no? and she says it through the cry “yes maaaaa’aaaam” hehe… and other times she says it when it doesn’t apply… but still, I like that we’re trying.
We were walkin up to the house to go in the other day, and she looks at the ground & says “I see shadows” … she saw our shadows, so we waved at them!
There has been endless rain here is Erie, and so now Diella is old enough to hear & react to all the thunder. She’s actually doing well with it! Especially considering she doesn’t like anything loud, like the vacuum, or cars that are closeby, or the tractor, or fireworks. Sometimes out of nowhere she’ll even say “I like a thunder”. Hehe
When Diella is being nice, I tell her how happy it makes me (since quite often these days, she can be quite…. Not nice)… and then when she misbehaves, and we talk to her about her poor behavior, I tell her it makes me so sad. Well, she’s said this a few times, “makes me so sad” … sometimes it fits, sometimes not, but I think its cute, I think she understands the concept.
Diella was watching The Wiggles a few days ago, and she was showing daddy who “Wags” was… he’s the dog on the show… but she actually made the W sound kinda like an R… so he was like “who’s Rags?” and she’d go “Wwwwaaaaaaags” … and he’d tease her further, and say “Rags?” … and she’d again slowly try to pronounce, “Wwwwaaaaags” so that she wasn’t misunderstood… and he kept goin on & on, to bug her…. But it was hilarious to hear her try to convince him of how to say it, even tho he would jus keep messin around….. “Wwwwwaaaaags” hehehe
Lately, like if she gets a snack or whatever, I’ve seen her rub her two little hands together in anticipation… ya know, like you’re anxious to eat something yummy… she does that… I dunno where she picked it up from, but its adorable!
Every night, right before I go to bed, I always look in on the kids sleeping. Just because I love to look at their little peaceful, angelic faces. And when I went in to look at Diella, she tossed in bed and smacked her lips together and said “gum” … LOL! Talked in her sleep! I never heard her to that before! Hahah!
I was cutting onions the other day, preparing for dinner. She asked for a bite, so I let her try… she likes em! Ah! She said “Mmm!” and even asked for another one! (lil tiny bites, but still)… and funny thing is, she wont eat cooked onions, ha!
All the time now, when Diella asks a question, and then you answer, she goes “Oooooh” hehe, its funny every time.
She’s starting to use different tenses of words and different usages of words correctly, like “I am” and “I do” and “I can” … and “where is IT?” and “where are THEY?” I think its so neat, that she catches on & corrects herself for these things!
Some things she says a lot lately… “where ya goin?” or “Wha happened?”… when we talk about something she’d like to do, she always goes “that’d be fun!” ... I LOVE that one!... oh, she says “Some’m” (ya know, how adults condense the word Something…. Like that). Hehe
She has been making Ethan laugh lately, I LOVE to watch that! Usually she spins in circles, then laughs, and that makes him laugh. These are such priceless moments!
Whenever I’m on the phone, be it at the house or on my cell in the car, whenever I say bye & hang up, Diella will say something about whoever I was talking to. Like I’m on the phone with Jake & she’ll say “where’s daddy at?” … how does she know I’m talking to him!!?? It’s so weird, and its like every time, she gets it right! Spooky.
Oh another weird thing, the other day we were driving on the highway, and Diella goes “turn left” …. My mouth dropped open & I asked her Did you jus say turn left!!?? She smiled & nodded… I still wasn’t sure if that’s really what she meant to say or not… but then she goes “Right and left” !!! When did she learn those words!? Musta been TV or something. Crazy!
One day, like after a bath or something, she comes runnin out & says “momma look! I’m naked!” … I dunno why this was so funny, but it was!
I saw her by herself one day, touching her toes goin “this lil piggy all way home” … hehe, aw! I think her daddy played the ‘this little piggy’ game with her on her toes, cute!
She’s been trying harder & harder to get her own clothes on & off. She DID get a tank top on 100% by herself the other day! (well, it was backwards, but that’s one’a those things you don’t correct, cuz it was by herself!) And sometimes she can get her own shirt off. We’ve been working on pulling her own pants down to sit on the potty, its hard for her, but we’re getting there. And then the other day I handed her her ‘big girl panties’ to put on by herself, and when I came back in the room, she had em all the way up! Lol, only two legs in one hole, all the way up to her waist, it was hilarious!
Certain words that she mispronounces, mostly ones that start with an F or an S, I will help her sound them out better, and she usually can get it when she tries…. She says swimmin, like Fimmin…. I said, ‘no Diella, with an S… Sssswimmin” … she goes, “Ssss fimmin!” hehe… and then one day I don’t remember what the word was, but I know it started with a C sound, some simple word… and she was saying it wrong, so I corrected her & tried to help her through it, and she totally made it harder than it was (lets say the word was carrot, cuz I don’t member) … she goes “Ssss, fffff, carrot!” haha! She can say C words, I dunno why she had trouble with this one… but I thought it was funny that she added and S & an F, outta nowhere!
She asked Ahna what this one fruit was, it was a nectarine, and she said it like “Macarene”, ha! So cute!... oh, and she has always called Aunt Alethea, just “Aunt” cuz its easier… well we finally tried to teach her to say Aunt Alethea, and she does it like “Aunt Alethela” (uh-lee-th-la)… love it!
Sometimes I hate how she catches on to things that I say… like when she’s in trouble… cuz sometimes she’ll say those things to me! Like she has said “Say no! Spanka butt!” (which is “don’t say no” and “I’ll spank your butt”) sigh*
Ok, a story like that one when Aria was told that the rules are different, so she took that how She Wanted to take it! … Colton was over, I think playing with her rocket, and I think one of them had just gotten over bein sick. And Diella was walkin around, eatin something, and she goes to give some to Colton, and Ahna goes “no, don’t share with Colton!” … and so she takes the rocket away from him… haha!
Diella sings SO many songs now!!! Her favorite I think is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star… cuz if she’s not singin the actual words to it, then she’s either humming it, or singing like little ‘doot doots’ to it!... oh, and its Tinkle, not twinkle, hehe. The other ones she does are Old MacDonald, Itsy Bitsy Spider, ABCs of course, Patty Cake, Head Shoulders Knees & Toes, Veggie Tales theme…. And my favorite… she mixed two songs together and sings it like this… “and on that farm he had a dog, and Bingo was his name-o” lol… love it!!! Oh, and Itsy Bitsy Spider goes like this… “bitsy bitsy pider, washa pida wout” over & over…. Oh I Love it, love it, love it!!
K, a few other things with her lil brother… he was sleeping in my arms & I took out my phone, scrolled to a pic of Diella as a baby, sleeping… and held it up to him… oh my gosh, TWINS! … since then I’ve showed the picture to mom, dad, alethea, whoever, and ask them who the pic is, they all say Ethan…. But it’s D! …. She loves him… the other day she was wearing Ahna’s high heels, and she came in the room & goes “Ethan, look, I’m cool” LOL!!! … sometimes when he’s talkin to the tv, she goes “good talkin Ethan!” aww, cute!.... oh, and … oh geez, she hasn’t done this in a while, but a few weeks ago, she would take Ethan’s binkies and put em in her mouth. At first it was like a “haha-this-is-funny-cuz-I-know-I’m-not-supposed-to-do-this” thing… cuz ya know, I’d take it out & tell her those were not for big girls, they are for babies… Then it got the point where when I would take it, she’d whine & say “my binkies!” … sigh* luckily, she’s stopped doing that now. Whew!
One thing she does that drives me bonkers…. When she’s doin one thing, but tryin to get my attention at the same time… she softly, but repeatedly goes “ma, ma, ma, ma, ma” … like stuttering almost, and its like she’s saying my name to pay attention, but she’s not ready to show or tell me whatever it is she’s trying to communicate… and I’m like “what!?” hehe, cuz I’ve been ready & attentive, and she’s still distracted, goin ‘ma, ma, ma, ma, ma”… lol
Last week she asked to get in the shower while I was taking one, every once in a while I let her do this if she asks… and so she asked me if she could see the soap (the bar of soap), so I hand it to her & continue washing my hair… after a minute or two, I hear a scream unlike any other I’ve ever heard… she somehow got the soap in her eyes… then as I’m trying to rinse her eyes, her lil hands are all lathered in it too, and as I turn to get more clean water, she rubs her eyes & makes it worse… aww, it was so sad. But of course she was ok.
Diella loves to pick up any toy phone & have little conversations with people! Sometimes it’s Uncle Chris, sometimes it’s Emily, sometimes it’s Uncle Nate, different people. And she’ll just say little things like “hi, yea, oh, ok bye” things like that… but the conversation she had with her cousin Aria today, was priceless! She calls and says “Hi Aria! Wha chu doin? Cleanin up Diella’s room? Ok, I’ll be right there!” HAHAHAHA!!! That. Was. Awesome!
This girl picks up stuff from tv, without help, all the time, its crazy! Like, during Dora, she’s starting to answer the questions they ask… like they name 3 places, and then they say the first two & ask which is the third one, and she’ll answer them! Cool!... and we watch Full House every day during lunch, and one day it was on, and she goes “look mommy! There’s Uncle Jesse, and Michelle, and Joey!” oh my gosh, hilarious! She knows all their names, ha!!
One day she just started naming things, talking to herself…. Like… “a boat, aaaaand a chair, aaaaand a doggy, aaaaand a tree…” and the list went on and on, hehe! … and then the other day, she was watching me eat lunch, and jus named everything I was eating, one by one… hehe, maybe she’ll be a list-maker like her mommy!
I’ve been tryin to teach Diella that sometimes, when the answer is No, you just say “yes ma’am” … well she says it, but is usually crying by that time, cuz we’ve already sad no & then reminded her, what do you say when the answer is no? and she says it through the cry “yes maaaaa’aaaam” hehe… and other times she says it when it doesn’t apply… but still, I like that we’re trying.
We were walkin up to the house to go in the other day, and she looks at the ground & says “I see shadows” … she saw our shadows, so we waved at them!
There has been endless rain here is Erie, and so now Diella is old enough to hear & react to all the thunder. She’s actually doing well with it! Especially considering she doesn’t like anything loud, like the vacuum, or cars that are closeby, or the tractor, or fireworks. Sometimes out of nowhere she’ll even say “I like a thunder”. Hehe
When Diella is being nice, I tell her how happy it makes me (since quite often these days, she can be quite…. Not nice)… and then when she misbehaves, and we talk to her about her poor behavior, I tell her it makes me so sad. Well, she’s said this a few times, “makes me so sad” … sometimes it fits, sometimes not, but I think its cute, I think she understands the concept.
Diella was watching The Wiggles a few days ago, and she was showing daddy who “Wags” was… he’s the dog on the show… but she actually made the W sound kinda like an R… so he was like “who’s Rags?” and she’d go “Wwwwaaaaaaags” … and he’d tease her further, and say “Rags?” … and she’d again slowly try to pronounce, “Wwwwaaaaags” so that she wasn’t misunderstood… and he kept goin on & on, to bug her…. But it was hilarious to hear her try to convince him of how to say it, even tho he would jus keep messin around….. “Wwwwwaaaaags” hehehe
Lately, like if she gets a snack or whatever, I’ve seen her rub her two little hands together in anticipation… ya know, like you’re anxious to eat something yummy… she does that… I dunno where she picked it up from, but its adorable!
Every night, right before I go to bed, I always look in on the kids sleeping. Just because I love to look at their little peaceful, angelic faces. And when I went in to look at Diella, she tossed in bed and smacked her lips together and said “gum” … LOL! Talked in her sleep! I never heard her to that before! Hahah!
And she does this thing lately, thats so funny, we all do it, like every night! ... it started outta nowhere, one day during lunch she looks at me with her head tilted down, looking out the top of her eyes, and her eyebrows down, so very angry looking, and took her arms and made them go in little circles, almost like she's swimming... so i did back to her, and we both started cracking up! She's doing it just to be funny! and now we do it all the time, for no reason, but its hilarious! and when there are other people in the room, she tells them to do it too, like "Papa, do dat", until we're all doing it! hehe... and its just funny how she knows how to make her face look so angry, and puts those eyesbrows down, and the arm circles go really slow... oh, its just funny!
Ok, and the two big things! … Her naptimes & bedtimes are officially back to normal! Where she goes down without a fuss, and just right to sleep with no problems! Praise the Lord!!! And even, for I have no idea what reason, for the past few days, in between waking up in the morning & going down for nap in afternoon, she’ll say ‘take a nap’ and just go sit quietly in her bed for like 15 minutes, awake, but just quiet. Its weird, but Lovely!!! Like her own little personal time her something, hehe, great!
And potty time. We sit every day, after lunch, before nap, and in the past 8 days, she’s gone pee on the potty 7 times, and poop twice! Only one time did she sit & try & not go. And one of those times was the first time she did both #1 and #2 in the same turn! Yay! I guess if I put her on more often, she would go more often? Cuz she still goes in her diaper, but also on potty when we try. Emily asked me if Diella ASKS to go… actually no, but she did once! And it was actually in Target! So I took her word for it (that she really did hafta go) and took her to try on the potty, in the public bathroom! (she went once before in public bathroom!)… but I think she was too distracted to go.. I think she really Did Need to go, but couldn’t. But anyway, I was still proud that she asked to!
Ok, and the two big things! … Her naptimes & bedtimes are officially back to normal! Where she goes down without a fuss, and just right to sleep with no problems! Praise the Lord!!! And even, for I have no idea what reason, for the past few days, in between waking up in the morning & going down for nap in afternoon, she’ll say ‘take a nap’ and just go sit quietly in her bed for like 15 minutes, awake, but just quiet. Its weird, but Lovely!!! Like her own little personal time her something, hehe, great!
And potty time. We sit every day, after lunch, before nap, and in the past 8 days, she’s gone pee on the potty 7 times, and poop twice! Only one time did she sit & try & not go. And one of those times was the first time she did both #1 and #2 in the same turn! Yay! I guess if I put her on more often, she would go more often? Cuz she still goes in her diaper, but also on potty when we try. Emily asked me if Diella ASKS to go… actually no, but she did once! And it was actually in Target! So I took her word for it (that she really did hafta go) and took her to try on the potty, in the public bathroom! (she went once before in public bathroom!)… but I think she was too distracted to go.. I think she really Did Need to go, but couldn’t. But anyway, I was still proud that she asked to!