I found a few older pix I thought might be fun to look at! (aww, look how Little!!) :-D
I havent been blogging things that she's doing, except when we take pictures... well to briefly name a few... her daddy brought the drums home for a few weeks & she loves to play them! ... she Loves to play memory game, but we play by making matches with the cards face up, she'll find a match and say Match!
She wants so badly to dress herself! She tries really hard with her pants, and usually does pretty good! can get em on, mostly up, usually backwards, but she doesnt want my help til she cant go any farther, Then asks for help.
One day I went to get her out of her crib after a nap, and she was standing in the corner of her bed, hangin on & jumping & laughing, and I noticed that she had taken one of her arms out of her shirt & up through the neck, so half her shirt was danglin beside her & she's jus gigglin, it was adorable!
She's got this little stroller that a doll goes in, she Loves to push her around, she says "Balk" (walk)... already being a good big sister :) Oh and anyone who's ever been here in winter, you know how we all sit on the furnace to stay warm, well she loves to do this now too, but she wont do it alone, she takes you by the hand & says 'down' as in to sit down with her, and then lately, she gets her Strawberry Shortcake doll to join us as well.
She absolutely LOVES to draw, and asks us to all the time! Pencils, pens, crayons, anything! She can make circle motions, not just scribbles, which is good... and lately we go over spelling her name on paper alot, and when we get through it, she says "Genn!" (again) over & over, hehe... oh and she has always had trouble saying the letter L, but since we've been going over her name so much, we worked a lil harder with it & she's got it now! The first day she went around saying, "mama! L!!!" all evening! it was so cute! So now she's much better at saying her name, says it like Ella, stead of Eya
I meant to post a blog a while back, when I tried to upload some video we took (still having trouble with that, not sure why) but it was of her doing all her letters by sight... she's been doing this for well over a month, but I dunno if i ever blogged it? We've also been working on colors and numbers... she's getting a few of each... (funny she memorized 26 letters in about 2 weeks, but cant get 10 numbers, or more than 3 colors, hehe)... she knows orange & purple, sometimes pink or blue, thats about it... and numbers, at first she knew 9, but called every number 9, now she's got 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, I think? So cant fully count to ten yet... oh and she NEVER says one, she always starts with two... and so she never says how old she is when we ask... she'll hold up one finger, but never say one.... so there have been a few times when she asked for a certain snack we were having & we would just ONE ok? She would say ok, take it, and be on her way.... then one day she found a bag of reeces pieces & brought them to me and said "One?" lol! would never say that word before, then sure enough uses it when she wants sweets, hehe, sigh*
She also loves puzzles lately, and since we do them so often, she's getting better that them. She has been good at jumping with two feet for well over a month now.... and she even will jump off things (like her daddy's back while he's laying on the floor) onto the floor & not fall! Good balance girl! And she LOVES jumping on beds n stuff! And her dancing usually includes jumping, as does her showing off for anyone, at any time, hehe
(oh my goodness I'm only about half done with this! I hope you'll keep reading! I'll try to give little detail...)
One'a her new things is climbing onto the window sill, then onto the back of the couch, then dive onto the couch & over & over again... lil monkey! She loves to throw things away, but luckily its nly things she's SUPPOSED TO throw away, like after she uses a tissue, she says garbage & off she goes, its kinda nice.
One'a her toys is this bag of mini potato heads, she loves putting hats & shoes on em & lining them up, its so cute how she says it... (we say tay-ta heads) she says it like "tay-dead" cute!
She loves to brush her teeth & asks to all the time. Cant complain about that!... we have also started to pray every night before bed, we have her put her hands together & she repeats after us, usually goes something like "thank you Jesus for mommy, daddy, Ahna, Papa, Grandad & Mamaw. I love you, you're so good, night night, Amen" ... and now thats she's learned to pray, we have her join us in prayer at the dinner table when we pray, and a few times, right as we sit down, before we eat, she'll remind us... "Pray" she says, with her little hands together all ready to go! And she LOVES saying Aaaamen!
She's got this new Einstein video with more signs on it, one day its on, they were saying & signing the word table (by the way, i've sort of stopped teaching her signs cuz she talks now...) ... and she turns to me & clear as day says Table & did the sign perfectly! she's learning all by herself, without my help! it was awesome! And since, she's done a few more from that video, jus picks it up so fast now! :)
(awww she just got a tissue & wiped Strawberry Shortcake's nose! how nice!)
Another thing she would never do was SAY thank you, she would always sign it & never even attempt to say it, then one day it jus came out! And she she uses it appropriately all the time, and its so cute! Using her little manners! Thaaaank yooou! I LOVE IT!
We're still trying on the potty (we've had it for like5 months, but jus been inconsistent with teaching her)... so lil over a week ago I made a potty chart, so now she gets star stickers for trying, and I always tell her if she goes she gets a stamp AND stickers AND sparkles (which is sparkle nail polish that she loves) AND a big-girl diaper (I bought pull ups to try to help with the process, gonna try to use them as a reward... let her wear one once to see what she thought)... so still hasnt gone yet, since a few times a Long time ago... but we're pluggin away at it.
We have taught her to say scuse me when she burps or toots & she not only does it, but also says it when someone else burps or toots.... or sneezes, or coughs, or hiccups, hehe... oh and also if someone is in her way, we told her to say scuse me & she does, its so cute & so polite, i love it!
Once she wanted to drink from her dad's cup at dinner (it was water) so we let her, and she did really well! So once in a while we'll let her use a real cup, as long as its water & as long as the cup isnt glass & she does good with it! Big girl!
The other day she went to the closet & put on her coat & said "Go" ... it was so cute, but broke my heart a lil, cuz we had no plans to go anywhere, and its not like the weather is cooperative enough that we can jus pick up and go outside or something, I cant wait til spring!
Sometimes she'll come into a room, bend down, & put her little hands on her knees and just look at us... we have no clue why, but its so cute! oh and she & Papa do this pointing at each other thing, where make this really serious face, as though they're mad at each other & point with angry eyes.... then they both laugh, its hilarious! She has such a sense of humor! And now she does it with all of us, especially when we're all together, its this circle of angry pointing & then we call crack up... Fun!
And I love how kids minds work... hiding is fun & so is peek a boo, but I sometimes she just covers her eyes with her hands & we pretend she's missing & call for her... I just love how she thinks we cant see her cuz she cant see us! Like once she hid in the boot closet from my parents & they made this big game out of it... Oh and last week!.. Crazy!.. If she's ever quiet for a minute or two, I go looking for her cuz she's usually doing something she shoulndnt be, so this happened & I go to look for her, and before I knew it, I had looked in every single room... so I was a lil confused & didnt panic, cuz its our house, she cant be missing... so I look again, and twice now, had been to every room... now just getting confused, but very curious... once I had gone through the whole house a third time, I started to worry just a little & picked up my pace a lil, then began to call her... no answer... (so then little worries start to enter my mind, of course)... then I've been through the house a 4th & a 5th time, and once or twice I hear her lil voice call me, but SO very faintly... I finally found her, she had gone into Ahna's closet & shut the door to where she couldnt get out, she wasnt scared or crying, but the funny thing is, when I opened the door, we both had concern in our eyes, but the reason she was hiding in there is cuz she had gotten some muffin out of the garbage & was eating it (i know, gross) but her mouth was so full of it, I dont think she could swallow it, and she also couldnt call me loudly... so I laughed on the inside, but explained how hiding isnt good... and when I told her no more, she looked at me, mouth stuffed, concern in her eyes & shook her head no... it was cute, and good lesson learned.
Diella knows all her letters, but had never really tried to sing the alphabet, then yesterday she kept singing, over & over, (in the first 3 notes of the alphabet song) "A-B-B" ! Aw!
Ok, and last thing... we finally got her off the binky... she has had it ONLY for nap & bedtime since like her first birthday, but I was ready for her to be done all the way... I had my methods of how I was gonna do it, and this blog is long enough, so I wong go into all that, but it worked, and it wasnt so bad, and it didnt take Too long, and all is well now :) oh and since binky is gone, she has attatched even more to her blanket, she drags it EVERYwhere! Linus! (but I dont let it leave the house, tho)
Whenever Diella tries to do something, and fails, but comes close, she goes "Almote" (almost).. its probly my fave thing she says right now :) hehe
Thank you for hangin in there & reading it all! :)